Peptide_ID Peptide_Name Peptide_Type PDC_Transmembrane_Types Receptor_name Receptor_ID Sequence Peptide_Name_show Peptide_Half life period Peptide_Absorption Peptide_Distribution Peptide_Metabolism Peptide_Excretion
PEP00001 pHLIP (AEQ) Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) DNA topoisomerase 2-alpha (TOP2A) REC00020 AEQNPIYWARYADWLFTTPLLLLDLALLVDADEGTCG . . . "Acidity is produced not only by cancerous tissue, but also by any tissue that is experiencing hypoxia: the lack of oxygen in the tissue triggers cells to switch to a high rate of the anaerobic, glycolytic energy production pathway, consequently resulting in acidification. pHLIPs have been shown to target infections in lungs, inflammatory arthritis, and ischemic myocardium, a consequence of heart disease, and could be used for diagnosis and treatment thereof. It is also possible that pHLIPs could be used as targeted treatment in ischemic strokes. In contrast to diseased tissue, healthy tissue is typically not associated with increased acidity except in the gastrointestinal tract and kidney, the pHs of which might be regulated by the implementation of a special diet or supplementary drinks if their acidity proves problematic." . .
PEP00002 TP10 Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Undisclosed REC99999 AGYLLGKINLKALAALAKKIL TP10 >72 h . "The distribution of the 111In-labeled CPPs after i.v. injection in PC-3 tumor-bearing mice is shown in Tables 3 5 as the percentage of the injected dose per gram tissue (%ID/g). All of the radiolabeled CPPs showed a relatively fast blood clearance with %ID/g values decreasing to less than 1 %ID/g after 4 h. In general, the tumor showed the lowest uptake rates among all organs (except for the brain and muscles) for all of the peptides studied. Noticeable values were observed for R9 with 51.4 %ID/g in the liver 10 min after injection, and a rapid accumulation of 81.4 %ID/g in the kidneys was observed for NLS just after 10 min. Penetratin was found to cross the blood brain barrier within 10 min at a level of 0.9 %ID/g in the brain indicating a distinct blood brain barrier permeability of CPPs. After 4 h, all of the peptides (except for PreS2-TLM) were retained in the liver and the kidneys. A high spleen uptake was observed after 4 h for both penetratin and R9 (7.1 %ID/g and 9.1 %ID/g, respectively)." . .
PEP00003 M Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) M2-like tumor-associated macrophages REC00056 AIGAVLKVLTTGLPALISWIKRKRQQ . . . . . .
PEP00004 [GG]PDIP Cyclic Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Phosphatidylserine lipid headgroups REC00057 Azidoaceticacid-GGGCQAPLYKKIIKKLLESGGSGGAPLYKKIIKKLCES [GG]PDIP . . . . .
PEP00005 C(StBu)GASGGKK Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Integrin alpha-V; Integrin beta-3 (ITGAV; ITGB3) REC00013 C(StBu)GASGGKK . . . . . .
PEP00006 CAAN-PTP-7 Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Cell membrane REC00055 CAANFLGALFKALSKLL CAAN-PTP-7 . . . . .
PEP00007 BP9a Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Transferrin receptor protein 1 (TFRC) REC00008 CAHLHNRS BP9a . . . . .
PEP00008 CCKIGLFRWR Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) 72 kDa type IV collagenase (MMP2) REC00017 CCKIGLFRWR . . . . . .
PEP00009 ApoA-1 mimic peptide Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Undisclosed REC99999 CGFAEKFKEAVKDYFAKFWD-NH2 . . . . . .
PEP00010 Kb-C04 Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Cell membrane REC00055 CGGGKLLKKNLK-Aib-LAALAKKIL-NH2 Kb-C04 . . . . .
PEP00011 Kb-C03 Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Cell membrane REC00055 CGGKLLKKNLK-Aib-LAALAKKIL-NH2 Kb-C03 . . . . .
PEP00012 oxmCPPamph Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Undisclosed REC99999 CGGWVELPPPVELPPPVELPPP . . . . . .
PEP00013 Kb-C02 Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Cell membrane REC00055 CGKLLKKNLK-Aib-LAALAKKIL-NH2 Kb-C02 . . . . .
PEP00014 CGVVQQ Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Integrin alpha-V (ITGAV) REC00012 CGVVQQ . . . . . .
PEP00015 AAM-2 Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Cell membrane REC00055 CIGAVLHVLTTGLPALISWIHHHHQQ-NH2 AAM-2 . . . . .
PEP00016 Kb-C01 Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Cell membrane REC00055 CKLLKKNLK-Aib-LAALAKKIL-NH2 Kb-C01 . . . . .
PEP00017 Peptide 1131 Cyclic Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Kita-kyushu lung cancer antigen 1 (CT83) REC00046 CKNTALTTC Peptide 1131 . . . . .
PEP00018 Cyclic NGR Cyclic Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Undisclosed REC99999 CNGRC Cyclic NGR . . . . .
PEP00019 Cyclic NGR 2 Cyclic Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Aminopeptidase N (ANPEP) REC00023 CNGRCGG Cyclic NGR 2 . . . . .
PEP00020 TAR Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Neuropilin-1 (NRP1) REC00001 CRKKRRQRRRATWLPPR TAR . . "TAR peptide labeled with fluorescein Cy5.5-MAL was used to analyze the tumor-targeting delivery ability of a TAR peptide in vivo. After an intravenous injection of Cy5.5-MAL-TAR and free Cy5.5-MAL via the tail vein, the entire body and ex vivo fluorescence images were recorded using an in vivo imaging system. In tumor tissues, strong fluorescence was detected in the Cy5.5-MAL-TAR group while only modest or no fluorescence was detected in the Cy5.5-MAL group. After 8 h of injection, the mice were sacrificed, and the main tissues (heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidney, and tumor) were collected for in vitro fluorescence detection. The fluorescence intensity of the two groups was equivalent in the spleen and kidney. The fluorescence of Cy5.5-MAL-TAR was significantly weakened in the heart, liver, and lung tissues, especially in lung tissues, which is 40% of free Cy5.5-MAL. However, Cy5.5-MAL-TAR exhibited stronger fluorescence at the tumor site, 1.64 times that of free Cy5.5-MAL. The slice analysis of tumor tissues showed that Cy5.5-MAL-TAR was widely dispersed in tumor tissues covering all micro-vessels and tumor cells that over-expressing NRP-1 while free Cy5.5-MAL only diverged in a spot-like manner and had no correlation with the expression level of NRP-1." . .
PEP00021 oxmCPP Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Undisclosed REC99999 CRRRRRRRR oxmCPP . . . . .
PEP00022 TAT (trans-activator of transcription) Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Undisclosed REC99999 CYGRKKRRQRRR . . . . . .
PEP00023 DAyaVCTf Cyclic Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Kappa-type opioid receptor (OPRK1) REC00034 DAYAVCTF DAyaVCTf . . . . .
PEP00024 Tumor homing peptide H-Asp-isoGlu-isoGlu-isoGlu-isoGlu-OH Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Undisclosed REC99999 DEEEE . . . . . .
PEP00025 DHLASLWWGTEL Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Glypican-3 (GPC3) REC00038 DHLASLWWGTEL DHLASLWWGTEL . . . . .
PEP00026 DYEMHLWWGTEL Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Glypican-3 (GPC3) REC00038 DYEMHLWWGTEL . . . . . .
PEP00027 GnRH analogs 3 Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor (GNRHR) REC00033 EHWSYCLRPG-NH2 GnRH analogs 3 . . . . .
PEP00028 GnRH analogs 1 Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor (GNRHR) REC00033 EHWSYCLRP-NH2 GnRH analogs 1 . . . . .
PEP00029 GnRH analogs 2 Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor (GNRHR) REC00033 EHWSYCLRP-NHEt GnRH analogs 2 . . . . .
PEP00030 PSMA-617 Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Glutamate carboxypeptidase 2 (FOLH1) REC00042 E-Urea-K PSMA-617 . . "PSMA radioligands are hydrophilic compounds (log D of PSMA-617 is -4.4), causing a rapid distribution throughout the body and a large volume of distribution. Since PSMA radioligands have no strong affinity for blood components such as albumin or specific transporters, the main route of distribution to PSMA-negative cells is by passive diffusion over the cell membrane into the interstitial space of the organs. However, due to their hydrophilic nature, which is not favorable for passive diffusion, most of the PSMA radioligand amount remains in the bloodstream. PSMA-expressing cells have receptors on the cell surface that capture and subsequently internalize the PSMA radioligands, causing accumulation into the cytoplasm of the cell. Approximately 75% of all radioligands with affinity for PSMA are internalized within the first 3 h after incubation on LNCaP cells." "Metabolism by the liver is only relevant for agents with a more lipophilic character. PSMA-617 and PSMA-I&T have multiple hydroxyl groups and subsequently have pKa values of approximately four. This pKa value means that in blood, at pH 7, the molecules are ionized. Due to their hydrophilicity and ionization in blood, PSMA radioligands are suitable for renal excretion. Firstly, the compounds undergo glomerular filtration, where the molecular weight is an important characteristic." "Clearance of PSMA radioligands is biexponential, with a fast clearance from blood and non-PSMA-expressing organs around 24 h and a significant slower clearance from the PSMA-expressing organs around 41160 h (p = 0.001). PSMA-based radioligands have an effective half-life between 21 and 91 h. The organs-at-risk have a shorter half-life compared to tumor tissue, namely 33 ± 14 and 51 ± 30 h, respectively. PSMA radioligands have a fast clearance from non-PSMA-expressing organs since they have no target binding and therefore are not internalized and do not accumulate in the cell. This results in a higher mean drug exposure in the tumor compared to healthy tissues. Pharmacokinetics are linear among dose levels as no correlation between injected dose and measured half-life was observed."
PEP00031 Edotreotide Cyclic Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Somatostatin receptor type 1 (SSTR1) REC00031 FCYWKTC Edotreotide . . . . .
PEP00032 Dipeptide Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Undisclosed REC99999 FF Dipeptide . This difference was not seen when the amino acids were presented as the dipeptide. The loss of the differential absorption rates of the free amino acids when perfused as a dipeptide is further evidence that the dipeptide is being handled differently and probably being transported intact. . . .
PEP00033 PasTAT Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Undisclosed REC99999 FFLIPKGGRKKRRQRRRPPQ PasTAT . . . . .
PEP00034 FFYEEG-ARVYIHPF Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Type-1 angiotensin II receptor (AGTR1) REC00030 FFYEEGARVYIHPF . . . . . .
PEP00035 Fmoc-FKKGSHC Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Undisclosed REC99999 FKKGSHC . . . . . .
PEP00036 DEF Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) fMet-Leu-Phe receptor (FPR1) REC00026 FMLFC DEF . . . . .
PEP00037 HR97 Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Cell membrane REC00055 FSGKRRKRKPRC HR97 . "Among all the peptide candidates, HR97 (FSGKRRKRKPR) was selected based on combination of the three peptide properties (melanin bindingHR97 = 79.1 ± 0.7%, cell uptakeHR97 = 759.9 ± 19.6 pmol/100 K cells, non-toxicHR97 = 96.9%). HR97 had the highest intracellular concentration, which out-performed the well-characterized cell-penetrating peptide fragment of the HIV trans-activator protein (TAT4757, YGRKKRRQRRR). HR97 demonstrated increased cell uptake compared to TAT4757 in both the induced ARPE-19 cells (cell uptakeHR97 = 759.9 ± 19.6 pmol/100 K cells, cell uptakeTAT4757 = 457.1 ± 34.2 pmol/100 K cells) and the non-induced cell type (cell uptakeHR97 = 82.5 ± 9.1 pmol/100 K cells, cell uptakeTAT4757 = 68.3 ± 4.6 pmol/100 K cells). In addition, HR97 showed no sign of cytotoxicity in ARPE-19 cells at concentrations up to 5 mg/mL." . . .
PEP00038 E1-3 Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Undisclosed REC99999 FSRPAFL E1-3 . . . . .
PEP00039 PDIP Cyclic Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Phosphatidylserine lipid headgroups REC00057 GCGGPLYKKIIKKLLESGG-Azidoalanine-GGAPLYKKIIKKLCES PDIP . . . . .
PEP00040 EETI-2.5Z Cyclic Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Integrin REC00059 GCPRPRGDNPPLTC-5-azido-L-norvaline-QDSDCLAGCVCGPNGFCG EETI-2.5Z . . . . .
PEP00041 GFLG Cyclic Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Integrin alpha-V; Integrin beta-3 (ITGAV; ITGB3) REC00013 GFLG GFLG . . . . .
PEP00042 GFLG-fQWAV-β-Ala-H-Aib-Nle Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Gastrin-releasing peptide receptor (GRPR) REC00029 GFLGFQWAVAH-Aib-Nle . . . . . .
PEP00043 GFLG-fQWAV-β-Ala-H-N-Me-Ala-Nle Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Gastrin-releasing peptide receptor (GRPR) REC00029 GFLGFQWAVAH-N-Me-Ala-Nle . . . . . .
PEP00044 GFLG-fQWAVGHL-Nle Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Gastrin-releasing peptide receptor (GRPR) REC00029 GFLGFQWAVGHL-Nle . . . . . .
PEP00045 GFLG-fQWAVGH-Sta-L Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Gastrin-releasing peptide receptor (GRPR) REC00029 GFLGFQWAVGH-Sta-L . . . . . .
PEP00046 GFLG-QWAVGHL-Nle Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Gastrin-releasing peptide receptor (GRPR) REC00029 GFLGQWAVGHL-Nle . . . . . .
PEP00047 AAM-1 Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Cell membrane REC00055 GIGAVLHVLTTGLPALISWIHHHHQC-NH2 AAM-1 . . . . .
PEP00048 GLRKRLRKFRNK Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Cell membrane REC00055 GLRKRLRKFRNK . . "Notably, Tylotoin-sC18* was still localized within the nucleoli, approving the assumption that the peptide, to a certain extent, is also able to enter the cells by direct Figure 2." . . .
PEP00049 GLRKRLRKFRNKIKEK Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Cell membrane REC00055 GLRKRLRKFRNKIKEK . . "The control peptides were taken up to a lower extent and accumulated more into cytoplasmic vesicles, although for sC18 alone some nuclear uptake was visible." . . .
PEP00050 GLRKRLRKFRNKIKK Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Cell membrane REC00055 GLRKRLRKFRNKIKK . . . . . .
PEP00051 TAT Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Undisclosed REC99999 GRKKRRQRRRPPQ TAT 1.7 h . . . .
PEP00052 TH19P01 Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Sortilin (SORT1) REC00049 GVRAKAGVRN(Nle)FKSESY-NH2 TH19P01 . . . . .
PEP00053 Transportan Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Undisclosed REC99999 GWTLNSAGYLLGKINLKALAALAKKIL Transportan . . "The distribution of the 111In-labeled CPPs after i.v. injection in PC-3 tumor-bearing mice is shown in Tables 3 5 as the percentage of the injected dose per gram tissue (%ID/g). All of the radiolabeled CPPs showed a relatively fast blood clearance with %ID/g values decreasing to less than 1 %ID/g after 4 h. In general, the tumor showed the lowest uptake rates among all organs (except for the brain and muscles) for all of the peptides studied. Noticeable values were observed for R9 with 51.4 %ID/g in the liver 10 min after injection, and a rapid accumulation of 81.4 %ID/g in the kidneys was observed for NLS just after 10 min. Penetratin was found to cross the blood brain barrier within 10 min at a level of 0.9 %ID/g in the brain indicating a distinct blood brain barrier permeability of CPPs. After 4 h, all of the peptides (except for PreS2-TLM) were retained in the liver and the kidneys. A high spleen uptake was observed after 4 h for both penetratin and R9 (7.1 %ID/g and 9.1 %ID/g, respectively)." . .
PEP00054 pHLIP (GGEQ) Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Undisclosed REC99999 H2N-GGEQNPIYWARYADWLFTTPLLLLDLALLVDADEGTCG . . . "Acidity is produced not only by cancerous tissue, but also by any tissue that is experiencing hypoxia: the lack of oxygen in the tissue triggers cells to switch to a high rate of the anaerobic, glycolytic energy production pathway, consequently resulting in acidification. pHLIPs have been shown to target infections in lungs, inflammatory arthritis, and ischemic myocardium, a consequence of heart disease, and could be used for diagnosis and treatment thereof. It is also possible that pHLIPs could be used as targeted treatment in ischemic strokes. In contrast to diseased tissue, healthy tissue is typically not associated with increased acidity except in the gastrointestinal tract and kidney, the pHs of which might be regulated by the implementation of a special diet or supplementary drinks if their acidity proves problematic." . .
PEP00055 Xenopus glucagon-like peptide-1 (xGLP-1) Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor (GLP1R) REC00036 HGEGTYTNDVTEYLEEEAAKEFIEWLIKGK Xenopus glucagon-like peptide-1 (xGLP-1) 2.9 h . . . .
PEP00056 Exendin-4 xGLP-1 fusion peptide (xGLP-Ex) Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor (GLP1R) REC00036 HGEGTYTNDVTEYLEEEAAKEFIEWLIKGKPSSGAPPPS Exendin-4 xGLP-1 fusion peptide (xGLP-Ex) 0.86 h . . . .
PEP00057 Lixisenatide xGLP-1 fusion peptide (xGLP-Sen) Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor (GLP1R) REC00036 HGEGTYTNDVTEYLEEEAAKEFIEWLIKGKPSSGAPPSKKKKKK Lixisenatide xGLP-1 fusion peptide (xGLP-Sen) 0.92 h . . . .
PEP00058 TFα-peptide Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Thomsen-Friedenreich antigen (TFa) REC00060 HGRFILPWWYAFSPS TFa-peptide . . . . .
PEP00059 HSSKLQ Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Undisclosed REC99999 HSSKLQ HSSKLQ . . . . .
PEP00060 p4 Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Undisclosed REC99999 HSTPSSP p4 . . . . .
PEP00061 AP2H Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Mitochondria-eating protein (SPATA18) REC00047 IHGHHIISVG AP2H . . . . .
PEP00062 Omiganan-NH-NH2 Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Undisclosed REC99999 ILRWPWWPWRRK-NH-NH2 Omiganan-NH-NH2 . . . . .
PEP00063 DEVD Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Caspase-3 (CASP3) REC00035 KGDEVD DEVD . . . . .
PEP00064 KGFRWR Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Undisclosed REC99999 KGFRWR . . . . . .
PEP00065 CTCE Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) C-X-C chemokine receptor type 4 (CXCR4) REC00039 KGVSLSYRK(GGC)RYSLSVGK . . . . . .
PEP00066 KKKRLNVGGTYFLTTRQ Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Glypican-3 (GPC3) REC00038 KKKRLNVGGTYFLTTRO . . . . . .
PEP00067 MDP26 Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Undisclosed REC99999 KKQLQLQLQLQLQLKK MDP26 . . . . .
PEP00068 Kb-C05 Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Cell membrane REC00055 KLLKKNLK-Aib-LAALAKKILC-NH2 Kb-C05 . . . . .
PEP00069 Kb-C06 Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Cell membrane REC00055 KLLKKNLK-Aib-LAALAKKILGC-NH2 Kb-C06 . . . . .
PEP00070 Kb-C07 Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Cell membrane REC00055 KLLKKNLK-Aib-LAALAKKILGGC-NH2 Kb-C07 . . . . .
PEP00071 Kb-C08 Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Cell membrane REC00055 KLLKKNLK-Aib-LAALAKKILGGGC-NH2 Kb-C08 . . . . .
PEP00072 Cyclic NGR 4 Cyclic Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Aminopeptidase N (ANPEP) REC00023 KNGRC Cyclic NGR 4 . . . . .
PEP00073 Cyclic NGR 3 Cyclic Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Aminopeptidase N (ANPEP) REC00023 KNGRCGG Cyclic NGR 3 . . . . .
PEP00074 Cyclic NGR 6 Cyclic Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Aminopeptidase N (ANPEP) REC00023 KNGRE Cyclic NGR 6 . . . . .
PEP00075 Cyclic NGR 5 Cyclic Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Aminopeptidase N (ANPEP) REC00023 KNGREGG Cyclic NGR 5 . . . . .
PEP00076 P-(A5G27)-FITC Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) CD44 antigen (CD44) REC00024 KRLVSYNGIIFFLR-NH2 . . . . . .
PEP00077 KTVRTSADE Cyclic Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Fibronectin (FN1) REC00007 KTVRTSADE . . . . . .
PEP00078 P-(A5G27scrm)-FITC Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) CD44 antigen (CD44) REC00024 KVLFGFLRIYSRIN-NH2 . . . . . .
PEP00079 LNCaP-specific peptide Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2 (ERBB2) REC00010 KYLAYPDSVHIW . . . . . .
PEP00080 D4 Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Pro-epidermal growth factor (EGF) REC00005 LARLLT D4 . . . . .
PEP00081 Heptapeptide Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha (HSP90AA1) REC00016 LPLTPLP Heptapeptide . . . . .
PEP00082 HK2 substrate Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Undisclosed REC99999 LRRFAKG HK2 substrate . . . . .
PEP00083 LRRY-fQWAV-β-Ala-H-Aib-Nle Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Gastrin-releasing peptide receptor (GRPR) REC00029 LRRY-fQWAVAH-Aib-Nle . . . . . .
PEP00084 LRRY-fQWAV-β-Ala-H-N-Me-Ala-Nle Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Gastrin-releasing peptide receptor (GRPR) REC00029 LRRYFQWAVAHN-Me-Ala-Nle LRRY-fQWAV-b-Ala-H-N-Me-Ala-Nle . . . . .
PEP00085 LRRYFQWAVAH-Sta-Nle Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Gastrin-releasing peptide receptor (GRPR) REC00029 LRRYFQWAVAH-Sta-Nle LRRYFQWAVAH-Sta-Nle . . . . .
PEP00086 LRRY-fQWAVGHL-Nle Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Gastrin-releasing peptide receptor (GRPR) REC00029 LRRYFQWAVGHL-Nle . . . . . .
PEP00087 LRRY-fQWAVGH-Sta-L Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Gastrin-releasing peptide receptor (GRPR) REC00029 LRRY-fQWAVGH-Sta-L . . . . . .
PEP00088 LRRYfQWAVGHStaL-NH2 Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Bombesin receptor REC00054 LRRYfQWAVGHStaL-NH2 . . . . . .
PEP00089 LRRYfQWAVβAlaHStaNle-NH2 Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Bombesin receptor REC00054 LRRYfQWAVAlaHStaNle-NH2 . . . . . .
PEP00090 LRRY-QWAVGHL-Nle Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Gastrin-releasing peptide receptor (GRPR) REC00029 LRRYQWAVGHL-Nle . . . . . .
PEP00091 LRRYQWAVGHLNle-NH2 Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Bombesin receptor REC00054 LRRYQWAVGHLNle-NH2 . . . . . .
PEP00092 Scrambled -CTCE Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Undisclosed REC99999 LSYVKGRSK(GGC)SRGKVYSL Scrambled -CTCE . . . . .
PEP00093 Chlorotoxin Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Neuropilin-1 (NRP1) REC00001 MCMPCFTTDHQMARKCDDCCGGKGRGKCYGPQCLCR Chlorotoxin . . . . .
PEP00096 NALRDQTGLKNPVQLARAVC Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Integrin alpha-V; Integrin beta-6 (ITGAV; ITGB6) REC00014 NALRDQTGLKNPVQLARAVC . . . . . .
PEP00097 A20FMDV2 Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Integrin alpha-V; Integrin beta-6 (ITGAV; ITGB6) REC00014 NAVPNLRGDLQVLAQKVARTC A20FMDV2 . . . . .
PEP00098 αvβ6-BP Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Integrin alpha-V; Integrin beta-6 (ITGAV; ITGB6) REC00014 NAVPNLRGDLQVLAQRVART avb6-BP . . . . .
PEP00099 p6 Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Undisclosed REC99999 NDLMNRA p6 . . . . .
PEP00100 Cyclic NGR Cyclic Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Aminopeptidase N (ANPEP) REC00023 NGRCGG Cyclic NGR . . . . .
PEP00101 SMAC-P1 S2 Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2 (ERBB2) REC00010 NH2-AVPIAOKCGFLGNPNWGRSWYNQRFK SMAC-P1 S2 . . . . .
PEP00102 SMAC-P1 S1 Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2 (ERBB2) REC00010 NH2-AVPIAOKGFLGCNPNWGRSWYNQRFK SMAC-P1 S1 . . . . .
PEP00103 SMAC-P1 S3 Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2 (ERBB2) REC00010 NH2-AVPIAOKGFLGNPNWGRSWYNQRFK SMAC-P1 S3 . . . . .
PEP00104 ALOS4 Cyclic Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Integrin alpha-V; Integrin beta-3 (ITGAV; ITGB3) REC00013 NH2-CSSAGSLFC ALOS4 . . . . .
PEP00105 Octreotide Cyclic Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Somatostatin receptor type 1 (SSTR1) REC00031 NH2-FCFWKTCT Octreotide . . . . .
PEP00106 3-Nal-Octreotide Cyclic Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Somatostatin receptor type 1 (SSTR1) REC00031 NH2-FC-Nal-WKTCT 3-Nal-Octreotide . . . . .
PEP00107 "[Tyr3,Cys8] Octreotate amide" Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Somatostatin receptor type 2 (SSTR2) REC00032 NH2-FCYWKTCC "[Tyr3,Cys8] Octreotate amide" . . . . .
PEP00108 3-Tyr-Octreotide Cyclic Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Somatostatin receptor type 1 (SSTR1) REC00031 NH2-FCYWKTCT 3-Tyr-Octreotide . . . . .
PEP00109 3-Tyr-Octreotate Cyclic Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Somatostatin receptor type 1 (SSTR1) REC00031 NH2-FCYWKXCX 3-Tyr-Octreotate . . . . .
PEP00110 B6 Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Transferrin receptor protein 1 (TFRC) REC00008 NH2-GHKAKGPRKC B6 . . . . .
PEP00111 PSMA I&T Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Glutamate carboxypeptidase 2 (FOLH1) REC00042 NH2-YFK . . . "PSMA radioligands are hydrophilic compounds (log D of PSMA-617 is -4.4), causing a rapid distribution throughout the body and a large volume of distribution. Since PSMA radioligands have no strong affinity for blood components such as albumin or specific transporters, the main route of distribution to PSMA-negative cells is by passive diffusion over the cell membrane into the interstitial space of the organs. However, due to their hydrophilic nature, which is not favorable for passive diffusion, most of the PSMA radioligand amount remains in the bloodstream. PSMA-expressing cells have receptors on the cell surface that capture and subsequently internalize the PSMA radioligands, causing accumulation into the cytoplasm of the cell. Approximately 75% of all radioligands with affinity for PSMA are internalized within the first 3 h after incubation on LNCaP cells." "Metabolism by the liver is only relevant for agents with a more lipophilic character. PSMA-617 and PSMA-I&T have multiple hydroxyl groups and subsequently have pKa values of approximately four. This pKa value means that in blood, at pH 7, the molecules are ionized. Due to their hydrophilicity and ionization in blood, PSMA radioligands are suitable for renal excretion. Firstly, the compounds undergo glomerular filtration, where the molecular weight is an important characteristic." "Clearance of PSMA radioligands is biexponential, with a fast clearance from blood and non-PSMA-expressing organs around 24 h and a significant slower clearance from the PSMA-expressing organs around 41160 h (p = 0.001). PSMA-based radioligands have an effective half-life between 21 and 91 h. The organs-at-risk have a shorter half-life compared to tumor tissue, namely 33 ± 14 and 51 ± 30 h, respectively. PSMA radioligands have a fast clearance from non-PSMA-expressing organs since they have no target binding and therefore are not internalized and do not accumulate in the cell. This results in a higher mean drug exposure in the tumor compared to healthy tissues. Pharmacokinetics are linear among dose levels as no correlation between injected dose and measured half-life was observed."
PEP00112 GE11 peptide Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) REC00004 NH2-YHWYGYTPQNVIGGGSGGGSC . . . . . .
PEP00113 Ac-NleEHfRWGK-NH2 Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Melanocyte-stimulating hormone receptor (MC1R) REC00041 NleEHfRWGK-NH2 . . . . . .
PEP00114 P1GCGCGT1 Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2 (ERBB2) REC00010 NPNWGRSWYNQRFKGCGCGRIKPRKGYTR P1GCGCGT1 . . . . .
PEP00115 P1GCGT1 Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2 (ERBB2) REC00010 NPNWGRSWYNQRFKGCGRIKPRKGYTR P1GCGT1 . . . . .
PEP00116 HER2-targeting peptide P1 Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2 (ERBB2) REC00010 NPNWGRSWYNQRFK-NH2 . . . . . .
PEP00117 DVAP Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Endoplasmic reticulum chaperone BiP; D(2) dopamine receptor (HSPA5; DRD2) REC00018 PAVRTNS DVAP . . . . .
PEP00118 cLBEL Cyclic Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM1) REC00011 Penicillamine-DLSTSLDDLRC cLBEL . . . . .
PEP00119 cLABL Cyclic Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM1) REC00011 Penicillamine-ITDGEATDSGC cLABL . . . . .
PEP00120 Hexapeptide Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) 72 kDa type IV collagenase (MMP2) REC00017 PVGLIG Hexapeptide . . . . .
PEP00121 QR Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1 (FLT1) REC00025 QKRKRKKSRYKS . . . . . .
PEP00122 c(RGDfK) Cyclic Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Integrin alpha-V; Integrin beta-3 (ITGAV; ITGB3) REC00013 RGDFK c(RGDfK) . . . . .
PEP00123 RGDKLAK Cyclic Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Integrin alpha-V; Integrin beta-3 (ITGAV; ITGB3) REC00013 RGDKLAK RGDKLAK . . . . .
PEP00124 c(RGDyK) Cyclic Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Integrin alpha-V; Integrin beta-3 (ITGAV; ITGB3) REC00013 RGDYK c(RGDyK) . . . . .
PEP00125 RLNVGGTYFLTTRQ Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Glypican-3 (GPC3) REC00038 RLNVGGTYFLTTRO . . . . . .
PEP00126 RNWELRLK Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2 (ERBB2) REC00010 RNWELRLK . . . . . .
PEP00127 c(RPQfK) Cyclic Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Integrin alpha-V; Integrin beta-3 (ITGAV; ITGB3) REC00013 RPQFK c(RPQfK) . . . . .
PEP00128 Penetratin Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Undisclosed REC99999 RQIKIWFQNRRMKWKK Penetratin . . . . .
PEP00129 DPT-sh2 Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Undisclosed REC99999 RQKRLIRQKRLIRQKRLI DPT-sh2 . . . . .
PEP00130 RR Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Cathepsin B (CTSB) REC00015 RR . . . . . .
PEP00131 SDT7 Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Cell membrane REC00055 RRFKKKIQKAGIL SDT7 . . . . .
PEP00132 R9 Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Undisclosed REC99999 RRRRRRRRR . . . . . .
PEP00133 RRWWRRWRR Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Undisclosed REC99999 RRWWRRWRR . . "Internalisation studies have already showed that RW9 is a very efficient CPP. Our results, confirmed this observation. At 37 C, RW9 was internalised to an intracellular concentration of 10 M in CHO-K1 cells, which makes it, together with R9, one of the most efficient known CPPs." . . .
PEP00134 sdhAACSf Cyclic Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Kappa-type opioid receptor (OPRK1) REC00034 SDHAACSF . . . . . .
PEP00135 P5 Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Undisclosed REC99999 SGTQEEY . . . . . .
PEP00136 P6 Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Undisclosed REC99999 SGTQEEYK . . . . . .
PEP00137 FAP substrate Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Undisclosed REC99999 SPTGEGEE . . . . . .
PEP00138 Ac-SYSNleEHFRWGKPV-NH2 Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Melanocyte-stimulating hormone receptor (MC1R) REC00041 SYS-Nle-EHFRWGKPV-NH2 Ac-SYSNleEHFRWGKPV-NH2 . . . . .
PEP00139 Angiopep-2/TAT Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs); Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Prolow-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1 (LRP1) REC00044 TFFYGGSRGKRNNFKTEEYGRKKRRQRRRPPQQ Angiopep-2/TAT . . . . .
PEP00140 M1 Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Undisclosed REC99999 TFYGGRPKRNNFLRGIR M1 . . . . .
PEP00141 M1-RGD Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Undisclosed REC99999 TFYGGRPKRNNFLRGIRSRGD M1-RGD . . . . .
PEP00142 tNeslCSf Cyclic Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Kappa-type opioid receptor (OPRK1) REC00034 TNESLCSF tNeslCSf . . . . .
PEP00143 E1-7 Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Undisclosed REC99999 VGGLSHR E1-7 . . . . .
PEP00144 DPT-sh1 Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Undisclosed REC99999 VKKKKIKREIKI DPT-sh1 . . . . .
PEP00145 P1 Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Undisclosed REC99999 VQQLTKRFSL P1 . . . . .
PEP00146 P2 Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Undisclosed REC99999 VQQLTKRFSLK P2 . . . . .
PEP00147 IDR-1018 Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Undisclosed REC99999 VRLIVAVRIWRR IDR-1018 . . . . .
PEP00148 rL-A9 Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2 (ERBB2) REC00010 WAVATNVDQ-NH2 rL-A9 . . . . .
PEP00149 Cyclic peptide [W(WR)4K(βAla)] Cyclic Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Undisclosed REC99999 WWRWRWRWRK . . . . . .
PEP00150 p-Fluorophenylalanine Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Aminopeptidases REC00053 X p-Fluorophenylalanine . . . . .
PEP00151 LHRH Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Progonadoliberin-1 (GNRH1) REC00006 XHWSYGLRPG LHRH . . . . .
PEP00152 [D-Lys6]-LH-RH Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor (GNRHR) REC00033 XHWSYKLRPG [D-Lys6]-LH-RH . . . "In most of these studies, [D-Lys6]-LHRH, a degradation-resistant LHRH analog, was used due to its high binding affinity to LHRH-R as well as its reactive site at position 6." .
PEP00153 PSMA-specific peptide Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Glutamate carboxypeptidase 2 (FOLH1) REC00042 XXXXE . . . . . .
PEP00154 GIP1234 Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Undisclosed REC99999 YAEGTFISDYSIAKDKIHQQEFEWLKAGGHPSGAPPPS GIP1234 . . . . .
PEP00155 YAyITCTF Cyclic Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Kappa-type opioid receptor (OPRK1) REC00034 YAYITCTF YAyITCTF . . . . .
PEP00156 OGF Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Opioid growth factor receptor (OGFR) REC00052 YGGFM OGF . . . . .
PEP00157 GE11 Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Pro-epidermal growth factor (EGF) REC00005 YHWYGYTPQNVI GE11 . . . . .
PEP00158 "[K4,F7,K22,P34]-NPY" Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Neuropeptide Y receptor type 1 (NPY1R) REC00027 YPSKPDFPGEDAPAEDLARYYKALRHYINLITRPRY . . . . . .
PEP00159 "[K4(C-βA-),F7,L17,P34]-hNPY" Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Neuropeptide Y receptor type 1 (NPY1R) REC00027 YPSKPDFPGEDAPAEDLARYYSALRHYINLITRPRY-NH2 . . . . . .
PEP00160 123B9 Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Ephrin type-A receptor 2 (EPHA2) REC00028 YSAYPDSVPMMS 123B9 >> 2 h . . "The mean plasma concentration over time following 123B9 IV administration (30 mg/kg, n = 2) indicated that the compound was detectable in vivo at each time point tested (30 min, 1 hr, 2 hr, 4 hr), with a mean concentration in plasma of 447 ± 268 ng/ml and 569 ± 86 ng/ml still detectable at 2 hr and 4 hr, respectively. " "EphA2 ligand 123B9, lacking the free N-terminal amine, was very stable, with over 95% intact compound detected in plasma after 120 min (Figure 2A; t1/2 >> 2 hr)."
PEP00161 Peptide 18-4 Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) "Keratin, type II cytoskeletal 1 (KRT1)" REC00009 WXEAAYQrFL Peptide 18-4 . . . . .
PEP00162 Angiopep-2 Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Prolow-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1; Low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 2 (LRP1; LRP2) REC00045 TFFYGGSRGKRNNFKTEEY Angiopep-2 . . . . .
PEP00163 c[DKP-RGD] Cyclic Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) "Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1 (IDO1)" REC00022 RGD c[DKP-RGD] . . . . .
PEP00164 c[DKP-RGD]-PEG4-sC18 Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Undisclosed REC99999 LRKRLRKFRNKIKEK . . . . . .
PEP00165 STRAP-1 Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Cell membrane REC00055 KRKIFCL STRAP-1 . . . . .
PEP00166 STRAP-3 Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Cell membrane REC00055 KRKFICL STRAP-3 . . "All the mice were continuously imaged for 4 h after the STRAP-Cy7 administration. In the healthy mice, the peptide is distributed throughout the body and was seen as surface fluorescence emitted from the liver, lungs, and bladder. Fluorescence emission from the urine in the bladder readily appeared in the mice following the injection. With time, fluorescence is cleared from the lungs and bladder. At the end of four hours, the peptide surface fluorescence was seen in the liver and kidney. In the tumor-bearing mice, the fluorescence emission was observed over the liver and kidney from 20 min. A gradual increase in fluorescence at the tumor site was observed from 2 h, which reached the maximum at 4 h. Ex vivo imaging of organs from the tumor-bearing mouse at 24 h confirmed the retention of peptides only in the tumor and kidneys, indicating the elimination of the drug through the kidneys. Blood was collected from the mice prior to the injection and after the injection for a total of four hours. The highest plasma concentration was observed 20 min after peptide administration with a gradual drop in the plasma concentration over 4 h both in tumor-bearing and healthy animals. This indicates that the plasma clearance of the peptide was unaffected by the tumor status of the mice." . .
PEP00167 DT7 Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Transferrin receptor protein 1 (TFRC) REC00008 HAIYPRH DT7 . . . . .
PEP00168 GnRH-III Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor (GNRHR) REC00033 EHWSHDWKPG-NH2 GnRH-III . . "LHRH-III (pGlu-His-Trp-Ser-His-Asp-Trp-Lys-Pro-Gly-NH2) is an isoform of human LHRH isolated from sea lamprey. This decapeptide isoform can specifically bind to LHRH-R in cancer cells with strong antiproliferative effect, whereas the potency in its release of LH and FSH is insignificant in mammals." . .
PEP00169 Fallypride Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) D(2) dopamine receptor; D(3) dopamine receptor (DRD2; DRD3) REC00021 . Fallypride . . . . .
PEP00170 BCY6099 Cyclic (Bicycle) Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Ephrin type-A receptor 2 (EPHA2) REC00028 . BCY6099 . . . . .
PEP00171 Bicycle toxin conjugate precursor Cyclic Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Nectin-4 (NECTIN4) REC00048 . . . . . . .
PEP00172 Cot-APTEDB Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Vesicle-associated membrane protein 8 (VAMP8) REC00050 . . . . . . .
PEP00173 YSV Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Undisclosed REC99999 YSV YSV . . . . .
PEP00174 BT1718 Bicycle peptide Cyclic (Bicycle) Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Matrix metalloproteinase-14 (MMP14) REC00037 Sar:Ala-Cys-D-Ala]-Asn-Glu-1NAl-(D-Ala)-Cys-Glu-Asp-Phe-Tyr-Asp-tBuGly-Cys BT1718 Bicycle peptide . . . . .
PEP00175 Unique variant of pHLIP Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) DNA topoisomerase 1 (TOP1) REC00019 ADDONPWRAYLDLLFPTDTILLDLLWCG . . . "Acidity is produced not only by cancerous tissue, but also by any tissue that is experiencing hypoxia: the lack of oxygen in the tissue triggers cells to switch to a high rate of the anaerobic, glycolytic energy production pathway, consequently resulting in acidification. pHLIPs have been shown to target infections in lungs, inflammatory arthritis, and ischemic myocardium, a consequence of heart disease, and could be used for diagnosis and treatment thereof. It is also possible that pHLIPs could be used as targeted treatment in ischemic strokes. In contrast to diseased tissue, healthy tissue is typically not associated with increased acidity except in the gastrointestinal tract and kidney, the pHs of which might be regulated by the implementation of a special diet or supplementary drinks if their acidity proves problematic." . .
PEP00176 GLP-1 analogue Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) "Glutamate receptor ionotropic, NMDA 1 (GRIN1)" REC00043 H-Aib-EGTFTSDVSSYLEEQAAKEFIAWLVKGGPSSGAPPPSC GLP-1 analogue . . . . .
PEP00177 SOR-C27 Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 6 (TRPV6) REC00051 EGKLSSNDTEGGLCKEFLHPSKVDLPR SOR-C27 . . . . .
PEP00178 TKPR Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Undisclosed REC99999 TKPR TKPR . . . . .
PEP00179 DPI-4452 Cyclic Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Undisclosed REC99999 . DPI-4452 0.28 h . "DPI-4452 biodistribution was evaluated in male and female beagle dogs. Each animal received a single dose of 200 MBq of [68Ga]Ga-DPI-4452 followed, 14 d later, by a single dose of 1,000 MBq of [177Lu]Lu-DPI-4452. Organ uptake of radioactivity over time was determined using PET/CT imaging and SPECT/CT imaging, respectively. At early time points, significant uptake occurred in the bladder, likely due to renal elimination. The highest sustained uptake was seen in the stomach and small intestine (Fig. 4), consistent with CAIX expression in these organs (1,2,5,18). No or low uptake was seen in the rest of the body, namely, the kidneys, bone marrow, blood, heart wall, and skin (Fig. 5; Supplemental Fig. 16)." . "In a pharmacokinetic study after a single intravenous dose of 0.1 mg/kg in beagle dogs, the plasma half-life of DPI-4452 was 0.38 h, denoting rapid elimination of the peptide from the systemic circulation (Table 4)."
PEP00180 SOR-C13 Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 6 (TRPV6) REC00051 KEFLHPSKVDLPR SOR-C13 <5 min "SOR-C13 was detected in plasma at 5 min after the start of infusion and continued to rise during the infusion. There were no marked differences in plasma SOR-C13 levels between 15 and 45 min after the start of infusion, suggesting steady state was achieved by 15 min post-infusion. Plasma SOR-C13 levels generally increased with increasing dose, the only exception to this being the data for 4.13 mg/kg were mean plasma levels were at times lower than those for the 2.75 mg/kg dose. This appeared to be due to large variability in two patients on some dosing days." . . "SOR-C13 plasma levels declined rapidly once the infusion was stopped. For the lowest dose of 1.375 mg/kg, plasma SOR-C13 was undetectable after 10 min post-infusion. For the 2.75 and 6.2 mg/kg doses, plasma levels were detectable 10 min post-infusion, but in the majority of cases not at 30 min post-infusion (with the exception of one patient)."
PEP00181 LDC10B Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Glutamate carboxypeptidase 2 (FOLH1) REC00042 KDD-2-(4-(aminomethyl)phenyl)acetic acid-Urea-K-Urea-E LDC10B . . . . .
PEP00182 ALM-488 Peptide Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Undisclosed REC99999 QVPWEEPYYVVKKSSGG ALM-488 Peptide . . . . .
PEP00183 RWRWRWRW Cyclic . Undisclosed REC99999 RWRWRWRW . . . . . .
PEP00184 WRWRWRWRWK Cyclic . Undisclosed REC99999 WRWRWRWRWK . . . . . .
PEP00185 CGRKKRRQRRRPPQ . . Undisclosed REC99999 CGRKKRRQRRRPPQ . . . . . .
PEP00186 CGRKKRRQRRPPQ . . Undisclosed REC99999 CGRKKRRQRRPPQ . . . . . .
PEP00190 XNRG . . Undisclosed REC99999 XNRG . . . . . .
PEP00191 GTGVP . . Undisclosed REC99999 GTGVP . . . . . .
PEP00192 GDGVP . . Undisclosed REC99999 GDGVP . . . . . .
PEP00193 GFGVP . . Undisclosed REC99999 GFGVP . . . . . .
PEP00194 GYGVP . . Undisclosed REC99999 GYGVP . . . . . .
PEP00195 GWGVP . . Undisclosed REC99999 GWGVP . . . . . .
PEP00196 GFLGTKPPR Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Undisclosed REC99999 GFLGTKPPR . . . . . .
PEP00197 TKPPR Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Undisclosed REC99999 TKPPR TKPPR . . . . .
PEP00198 GFLGTKPR Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Undisclosed REC99999 GFLGTKPR GFLGTKPR . . . . .
PEP00199 GFLGTKPKG Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Undisclosed REC99999 GFLGTKPKG . . . . . .
PEP00200 TKPKG Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Undisclosed REC99999 TKPKG TKPKG . . . . .
PEP00201 TKPRTKPKGTKPKG Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Undisclosed REC99999 TKPRTKPKGTKPKG . . . . . .
PEP00202 TKPKGTKPKG Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Undisclosed REC99999 TKPKGTKPKG . . . . . .
PEP00203 TKPKGTKPKGTKPKGTKPKG Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Undisclosed REC99999 TKPKGTKPKGTKPKGTKPKG . . . . . .
PEP00204 GFLGTKPKGTKPKGTKPKGTKPKG Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Undisclosed REC99999 GFLGTKPKGTKPKGTKPKGTKPKG . . . . . .
PEP00205 FRARXRARXRAR Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) DNA gyrase subunit B (gyrB) REC00063 FRARXRARXRAR . . . . . .
PEP00206 RXRXRX Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) DNA gyrase subunit B (gyrB) REC00063 RXRXRX RXRXRX . . . . .
PEP00207 XRXRXRX Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) DNA gyrase subunit B (gyrB) REC00063 XRXRXRX XRXRXRX . . . . .
PEP00208 RXRX Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) DNA gyrase subunit B (gyrB) REC00063 RXRX RXRX . . . . .
PEP00209 XRRR Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) DNA gyrase subunit B (gyrB) REC00063 XRRR XRRR . . . . .
PEP00211 XFXGX . . Undisclosed REC99999 XFXGX . . . . . .
PEP00212 GXXXXXXXXXXXXX . . Undisclosed REC99999 GXXXXXXXXXXXXX . . . . . .
PEP00217 GIGKFLHSAKKF . . Undisclosed REC99999 GIGKFLHSAKKF . . . . . .
PEP00219 AXAXAXAXAXAXAXA . . Undisclosed REC99999 AXAXAXAXAXAXAXA . . . . . .
PEP00221 GPLGVRGA . . Undisclosed REC99999 GPLGVRGA . . . . . .
PEP00222 XGPLGVRGA . . Undisclosed REC99999 XGPLGVRGA . . . . . .
PEP00223 XGGX . . Undisclosed REC99999 XGGX . . . . . .
PEP00224 XHWKHDWKPG . . Undisclosed REC99999 XHWKHDWKPG . . . . . .
PEP00225 XHWSHDWKPG . . Undisclosed REC99999 XHWSHDWKPG . . . . . .
PEP00226 XRKI . . Undisclosed REC99999 XRKI . . . . . .
PEP00227 XRGD . . Undisclosed REC99999 XRGD . . . . . .
PEP00228 KKLFKKILKKL . . Undisclosed REC99999 KKLFKKILKKL . . . . . .
PEP00229 QQRFEXEFEQQ . . Undisclosed REC99999 QQRFEXEFEQQ . . . . . .
PEP00230 QQXFXXXFQQQ . . Undisclosed REC99999 QQXFXXXFQQQ . . . . . .
PEP00231 SFFYLRS . . Undisclosed REC99999 SFFYLRS . . . . . .
PEP00232 GGGPKKKRKVGG . . Undisclosed REC99999 GGGPKKKRKVGG . . . . . .
PEP00233 GGGPKKKXKVGG . . Undisclosed REC99999 GGGPKKKXKVGG . . . . . .
PEP00234 KTTKS . . Undisclosed REC99999 KTTKS . . . . . .
PEP00235 QACKGKIQALCENG . . Undisclosed REC99999 QACKGKIQALCENG . . . . . .
PEP00240 GILKEPVHGA . . Undisclosed REC99999 GILKEPVHGA . . . . . .
PEP00241 EGFLG . . Undisclosed REC99999 EGFLG . . . . . .
PEP00242 XGFLG . . Undisclosed REC99999 XGFLG . . . . . .
PEP00243 EVTCVVVD . . Undisclosed REC99999 EVTCVVVD . . . . . .
PEP00244 AXAXQAXAX . . Undisclosed REC99999 AXAXQAXAX . . . . . .
PEP00245 QAXAX . . Undisclosed REC99999 QAXAX . . . . . .
PEP00246 RGDFRGDF . . Undisclosed REC99999 RGDFRGDF . . . . . .
PEP00247 RGDVRGDV . . Undisclosed REC99999 RGDVRGDV . . . . . .
PEP00248 RGDSRGDS . . Undisclosed REC99999 RGDSRGDS . . . . . .
PEP00249 CPRGGSVC . . Undisclosed REC99999 CPRGGSVC . . . . . .
PEP00250 GANPNAAG . . Undisclosed REC99999 GANPNAAG . . . . . .
PEP00251 NXGPKKKRKV . . Undisclosed REC99999 NXGPKKKRKV . . . . . .
PEP00252 GPLGIAGQ . . Undisclosed REC99999 GPLGIAGQ . . . . . .
PEP00254 DFKRG CDCl3 . Undisclosed REC99999 DFKRG . . . . . .
PEP00255 AKPGKKKPGK CDCl3 . Undisclosed REC99999 AKPGKKKPGK . . . . . .
PEP00256 GPKKKRKV . . Undisclosed REC99999 GPKKKRKV . . . . . .
PEP00258 AFGSAFG . . Undisclosed REC99999 AFGSAFG . . . . . .
PEP00259 FGSFG . . Undisclosed REC99999 FGSFG . . . . . .
PEP00261 ACKGGGGXQ . . Undisclosed REC99999 ACKGGGGXQ . . . . . .
PEP00262 GGGGXQACK . . Undisclosed REC99999 GGGGXQACK . . . . . .
PEP00263 SATSSSGSGS . . Undisclosed REC99999 SATSSSGSGS . . . . . .
PEP00264 NSATSSSGSGS . . Undisclosed REC99999 NSATSSSGSGS . . . . . .
PEP00265 KXCKXC . . Undisclosed REC99999 KXCKXC . . . . . .
PEP00266 ECRGDS . . Undisclosed REC99999 ECRGDS . . . . . .
PEP00267 CRGDR . . Undisclosed REC99999 CRGDR . . . . . .
PEP00268 XRRRRRRRR . . Undisclosed REC99999 XRRRRRRRR . . . . . .
PEP00269 YIYGSFK . . Undisclosed REC99999 YIYGSFK . . . . . .
PEP00270 AIYKYY . . Undisclosed REC99999 AIYKYY . . . . . .
PEP00271 AEEEIYGEFEAKKKK . . Undisclosed REC99999 AEEEIYGEFEAKKKK . . . . . .
PEP00272 IYGEFKKK . . Undisclosed REC99999 IYGEFKKK . . . . . .
PEP00273 EIYGEFKK . . Undisclosed REC99999 EIYGEFKK . . . . . .
PEP00274 EEIYGEFF . . Undisclosed REC99999 EEIYGEFF . . . . . .
PEP00275 CIYKYY . . Undisclosed REC99999 CIYKYY . . . . . .
PEP00276 CYKYY . . Undisclosed REC99999 CYKYY . . . . . .
PEP00277 IYKYY . . Undisclosed REC99999 IYKYY . . . . . .
PEP00278 FDFLPENE . . Undisclosed REC99999 FDFLPENE . . . . . .
PEP00279 FLPENE . . Undisclosed REC99999 FLPENE . . . . . .
PEP00280 AKLVFF . . Undisclosed REC99999 AKLVFF . . . . . .
PEP00281 KKKKKKKK . . Undisclosed REC99999 KKKKKKKK . . . . . .
PEP00282 LPKTGGGGG . . Undisclosed REC99999 LPKTGGGGG . . . . . .
PEP00283 LPKTGGGWW . . Undisclosed REC99999 LPKTGGGWW . . . . . .
PEP00284 LPKTGGYRR . . Undisclosed REC99999 LPKTGGYRR . . . . . .
PEP00285 LPKTGGWRR . . Undisclosed REC99999 LPKTGGWRR . . . . . .
PEP00286 LPKTGGVRR . . Undisclosed REC99999 LPKTGGVRR . . . . . .
PEP00287 LPKTGGTRR . . Undisclosed REC99999 LPKTGGTRR . . . . . .
PEP00288 LPKTGGSRR . . Undisclosed REC99999 LPKTGGSRR . . . . . .
PEP00289 LPKTGGRRR . . Undisclosed REC99999 LPKTGGRRR . . . . . .
PEP00290 LPKTGGQRR . . Undisclosed REC99999 LPKTGGQRR . . . . . .
PEP00291 LPKTGGPRR . . Undisclosed REC99999 LPKTGGPRR . . . . . .
PEP00292 LPKTGGNRR . . Undisclosed REC99999 LPKTGGNRR . . . . . .
PEP00293 LPKTGGMRR . . Undisclosed REC99999 LPKTGGMRR . . . . . .
PEP00294 LPKTGGLRR . . Undisclosed REC99999 LPKTGGLRR . . . . . .
PEP00295 LPKTGGKRR . . Undisclosed REC99999 LPKTGGKRR . . . . . .
PEP00296 LPKTGGIRR . . Undisclosed REC99999 LPKTGGIRR . . . . . .
PEP00297 LPKTGGHRR . . Undisclosed REC99999 LPKTGGHRR . . . . . .
PEP00298 LPKTGGGRR . . Undisclosed REC99999 LPKTGGGRR . . . . . .
PEP00299 LPKTGGFRR . . Undisclosed REC99999 LPKTGGFRR . . . . . .
PEP00300 LPKTGQRR . . Undisclosed REC99999 LPKTGQRR . . . . . .
PEP00301 LPKTGLRR . . Undisclosed REC99999 LPKTGLRR . . . . . .
PEP00302 LTVSPWY . . Undisclosed REC99999 LTVSPWY . . . . . .
PEP00303 NVPGNVPG . . Undisclosed REC99999 NVPGNVPG . . . . . .
PEP00304 FKKKKKKKKK . . Undisclosed REC99999 FKKKKKKKKK . . . . . .
PEP00305 FKEEEEGGGS . . Undisclosed REC99999 FKEEEEGGGS . . . . . .
PEP00306 FKPKKKRKV . . Undisclosed REC99999 FKPKKKRKV . . . . . .
PEP00307 ARGDX . . Undisclosed REC99999 ARGDX . . . . . .
PEP00308 AXGDX . . Undisclosed REC99999 AXGDX . . . . . .
PEP00309 DXAXG . . Undisclosed REC99999 DXAXG . . . . . .
PEP00310 ANFPI . . HIV-1 protease REC00065 ANFPI . . . . . .
PEP00311 GRRRQRRKKRGGC . . Undisclosed REC99999 GRRRQRRKKRGGC . . . . . .
PEP00312 CGGRKKRRQRRR . . Undisclosed REC99999 CGGRKKRRQRRR . . . . . .
PEP00313 GGRRKKRRQRRR . . Undisclosed REC99999 GGRRKKRRQRRR . . . . . .
PEP00315 SRRARRSPRHLGSGC . . Undisclosed REC99999 SRRARRSPRHLGSGC . . . . . .
PEP00317 XRGDF . . Undisclosed REC99999 XRGDF . . . . . .
PEP00318 XRGDS . . Undisclosed REC99999 XRGDS . . . . . .
PEP00319 XXGDF . . Undisclosed REC99999 XXGDF . . . . . .
PEP00320 XXGDV . . Undisclosed REC99999 XXGDV . . . . . .
PEP00321 XXGDS . . Undisclosed REC99999 XXGDS . . . . . .
PEP00322 FQGII . . Undisclosed REC99999 FQGII . . . . . .
PEP00323 FQGIIX . . Undisclosed REC99999 FQGIIX . . . . . .
PEP00324 GIIX . . Undisclosed REC99999 GIIX . . . . . .
PEP00325 XYQWAVGHLM . . Undisclosed REC99999 XYQWAVGHLM . . . . . .
PEP00326 EYQWAVGHLM . . Undisclosed REC99999 EYQWAVGHLM . . . . . .
PEP00327 GWS . . Undisclosed REC99999 GWS . . . . . .
PEP00328 EGFLGC . . Undisclosed REC99999 EGFLGC . . . . . .
PEP00329 GPLGPAG . . Undisclosed REC99999 GPLGPAG . . . . . .
PEP00330 GPLGV . . Undisclosed REC99999 GPLGV . . . . . .
PEP00331 GPLG . . Undisclosed REC99999 GPLG . . . . . .
PEP00332 XASXQSL . . Undisclosed REC99999 XASXQSL . . . . . .
PEP00333 GRRRRRRRR . . Undisclosed REC99999 GRRRRRRRR . . . . . .
PEP00334 CGYGPKKKRKVGG . . Undisclosed REC99999 CGYGPKKKRKVGG . . . . . .
PEP00335 QRPAK . . Undisclosed REC99999 QRPAK . . . . . .
PEP00336 GRPAK . . Undisclosed REC99999 GRPAK . . . . . .
PEP00337 ARPAK . . Undisclosed REC99999 ARPAK . . . . . .
PEP00338 RPAK . . Undisclosed REC99999 RPAK . . . . . .
PEP00339 NAQASAQSAY . . Undisclosed REC99999 NAQASAQSAY . . . . . .
PEP00340 XGRKKRRQRRR . . Undisclosed REC99999 XGRKKRRQRRR . . . . . .
PEP00341 QRKKRRWRRR . . Undisclosed REC99999 QRKKRRWRRR . . . . . .
PEP00342 QRKKRRHRRR . . Undisclosed REC99999 QRKKRRHRRR . . . . . .
PEP00343 QRKKRRGRRR . . Undisclosed REC99999 QRKKRRGRRR . . . . . .
PEP00344 GRKKRRQRRR . . Undisclosed REC99999 GRKKRRQRRR . . . . . .
PEP00345 HRKKRRQRRR . . Undisclosed REC99999 HRKKRRQRRR . . . . . .
PEP00346 WRKKRRQRRR . . Undisclosed REC99999 WRKKRRQRRR . . . . . .
PEP00347 GAGAG . . Undisclosed REC99999 GAGAG . . . . . .
PEP00351 RRLSYSRRRF . . Undisclosed REC99999 RRLSYSRRRF . . . . . .
PEP00352 RRRRRRRRG . . Undisclosed REC99999 RRRRRRRRG . . . . . .
PEP00353 XXXXXXXXG . . Undisclosed REC99999 XXXXXXXXG . . . . . .
PEP00354 LRRAXLG . . Undisclosed REC99999 LRRAXLG . . . . . .
PEP00355 GAQVWGFSAK . . Undisclosed REC99999 GAQVWGFSAK . . . . . .
PEP00356 KAQSWGKSAK . . Undisclosed REC99999 KAQSWGKSAK . . . . . .
PEP00357 GLKKG . . Undisclosed REC99999 GLKKG . . . . . .
PEP00358 XKKKL . . Undisclosed REC99999 XKKKL . . . . . .
PEP00359 XKKKKL . . Undisclosed REC99999 XKKKKL . . . . . .
PEP00360 FYPAAKG . . Undisclosed REC99999 FYPAAKG . . . . . .
PEP00361 FYPWMKG . . Undisclosed REC99999 FYPWMKG . . . . . .
PEP00362 XFWSYKLRPG . . Undisclosed REC99999 XFWSYKLRPG . . . . . .
PEP00363 CKVSVKV . . Undisclosed REC99999 CKVSVKV . . . . . .
PEP00364 CKVKV . . Undisclosed REC99999 CKVKV . . . . . .
PEP00365 GSXYSCFWKTCT . . Undisclosed REC99999 GSXYSCFWKTCT . . . . . .
PEP00366 AGYAG . . Undisclosed REC99999 AGYAG . . . . . .
PEP00367 AGKAG . . Undisclosed REC99999 AGKAG . . . . . .
PEP00368 AGAAG . . Undisclosed REC99999 AGAAG . . . . . .
PEP00369 GAKYKG . . Undisclosed REC99999 GAKYKG . . . . . .
PEP00370 ARYRG . . Undisclosed REC99999 ARYRG . . . . . .
PEP00371 AKYKG . . Undisclosed REC99999 AKYKG . . . . . .
PEP00372 AKSKG . . Undisclosed REC99999 AKSKG . . . . . .
PEP00373 AKKKG . . Undisclosed REC99999 AKKKG . . . . . .
PEP00374 AKHKG . . Undisclosed REC99999 AKHKG . . . . . .
PEP00375 AKEKG . . Undisclosed REC99999 AKEKG . . . . . .
PEP00376 AKAKG . . Undisclosed REC99999 AKAKG . . . . . .
PEP00377 XSSGQSSP . . Undisclosed REC99999 XSSGQSSP . . . . . .
PEP00378 XSSGQSP . . Undisclosed REC99999 XSSGQSP . . . . . .
PEP00379 XSSGQSG . . Undisclosed REC99999 XSSGQSG . . . . . .
PEP00380 XSSGQSL . . Undisclosed REC99999 XSSGQSL . . . . . .
PEP00381 XKTRTRS . . Undisclosed REC99999 XKTRTRS . . . . . .
PEP00382 XFRHR . . Undisclosed REC99999 XFRHR . . . . . .
PEP00383 XKRSR . . Undisclosed REC99999 XKRSR . . . . . .
PEP00384 XRKKV . . Undisclosed REC99999 XRKKV . . . . . .
PEP00385 PASXQSL . . Undisclosed REC99999 PASXQSL . . . . . .
PEP00386 KASXQSL . . Undisclosed REC99999 KASXQSL . . . . . .
PEP00387 XASYQSL . . Undisclosed REC99999 XASYQSL . . . . . .
PEP00388 KASYQSL . . Undisclosed REC99999 KASYQSL . . . . . .
PEP00389 XYQSSSL . . Undisclosed REC99999 XYQSSSL . . . . . .
PEP00390 KYQSSSL . . Undisclosed REC99999 KYQSSSL . . . . . .
PEP00391 ANKASYQSSL . . Undisclosed REC99999 ANKASYQSSL . . . . . .
PEP00392 ANKASYQSSSL . . Undisclosed REC99999 ANKASYQSSSL . . . . . .
PEP00393 ANKASYQSASL . . Undisclosed REC99999 ANKASYQSASL . . . . . .
PEP00394 GCMGAPC . . Undisclosed REC99999 GCMGAPC . . . . . .
PEP00395 GCFGLPC . . Undisclosed REC99999 GCFGLPC . . . . . .
PEP00396 GCAGLPC . . Undisclosed REC99999 GCAGLPC . . . . . .
PEP00397 GCFGLP . . Undisclosed REC99999 GCFGLP . . . . . .
PEP00398 GCAGLP . . Undisclosed REC99999 GCAGLP . . . . . .
PEP00399 GCFGL . . Undisclosed REC99999 GCFGL . . . . . .
PEP00400 GCAGL . . Undisclosed REC99999 GCAGL . . . . . .
PEP00401 GCMGA . . Undisclosed REC99999 GCMGA . . . . . .
PEP00402 GCMGLP . . Undisclosed REC99999 GCMGLP . . . . . .
PEP00403 GCMGL . . Undisclosed REC99999 GCMGL . . . . . .
PEP00404 GCMGLPC . . Undisclosed REC99999 GCMGLPC . . . . . .
PEP00405 GGCPC . . Undisclosed REC99999 GGCPC . . . . . .
PEP00406 DGDXG . . Undisclosed REC99999 DGDXG . . . . . .
PEP00407 DGEXG . . Undisclosed REC99999 DGEXG . . . . . .
PEP00408 TTNYT . . Undisclosed REC99999 TTNYT . . . . . .
PEP00409 ARHTDYK . . Undisclosed REC99999 ARHTDYK . . . . . .
PEP00410 [C(WR)4K2(b-A)] Cyclic . Undisclosed REC99999 RCKRWRWKWRW . . . . . .
PEP00411 22-mer peptide . . Undisclosed REC99999 QKYQPLDEKDKTLYDQFMLQQG . . . . . .
PEP00412 Activable cell-penetrating peptide (ACCP) . . Undisclosed REC99999 DGGDGGDGGDGPLGLAGRRRRRRRRRC . . . . . .
PEP00413 Alanyl-oligovaline 1 . . Undisclosed REC99999 AVVVVVV . . . . . .
PEP00414 Alanyl-oligovaline 2 . . Undisclosed REC99999 AVVVVV . . . . . .
PEP00415 Alanyl-oligovaline 3 . . Undisclosed REC99999 AVVV . . . . . .
PEP00416 Alanyl-oligovaline 4 . . Undisclosed REC99999 AVV . . . . . .
PEP00417 Alanyl-oligovaline 5 . . Undisclosed REC99999 AV . . . . . .
PEP00418 Alanyl-oligovaline 6 . . Undisclosed REC99999 AVVVVVVV . . . . . .
PEP00419 Alanyl-oligovaline 7 . . Undisclosed REC99999 AVVVV . . . . . .
PEP00420 Alkynylptides 1 . . Undisclosed REC99999 KKXKKFKKLQ . . . . . .
PEP00421 Alkynylptides 2 . . Undisclosed REC99999 KKQKKFKKLQ . . . . . .
PEP00422 Amphipathic signal-nuclear localization peptide combination . . Undisclosed REC99999 MGLGLHLLVLAAALQGAKKKRKV . . . . . .
PEP00423 Amyloid disrupting peptide . . Undisclosed REC99999 NFGAILSS . . . . . .
PEP00424 Amyloid-beta C-terminal motif 1 . . Undisclosed REC99999 LMVGGVVIAT . . . . . .
PEP00425 Amyloid-beta C-terminal motif 2 . . Undisclosed REC99999 VGGVVIAT . . . . . .
PEP00426 Amyloid-beta C-terminal motif 3 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GVVIAT . . . . . .
PEP00427 Amyloid-beta C-terminal motif 4 . . Undisclosed REC99999 VIAT . . . . . .
PEP00428 Amyloid-beta C-terminal motif 5 . . Undisclosed REC99999 LMVGGVV . . . . . .
PEP00429 Amyloid-beta C-terminal motif 6 . . Undisclosed REC99999 VGGVV . . . . . .
PEP00430 Amyloid-beta C-terminal motif 7 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XGVV . . . . . .
PEP00431 Amyloid-beta C-terminal motif 8 . . Undisclosed REC99999 LMVGGVVIA . . . . . .
PEP00432 Amyloid-beta C-terminal motif 9 . . Undisclosed REC99999 VGGVVIA . . . . . .
PEP00433 Amyloid-beta C-terminal motif 10 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GVVIA . . . . . .
PEP00434 Amyloid-beta C-terminal motif 11 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XVIA . . . . . .
PEP00435 Antibacterial peptide 1 . . Undisclosed REC99999 LWVLWRR . . . . . .
PEP00436 Antibacterial peptide 2 . . Undisclosed REC99999 RLWVLWRR . . . . . .
PEP00437 Antimicrobial peptide Cm-p5 1 . . Undisclosed REC99999 SRSELIVHQRLF . . . . . .
PEP00438 Antimicrobial peptide Cm-p5 2 . . Undisclosed REC99999 RSELIVHQRLF . . . . . .
PEP00439 Antimicrobial peptide Cm-p5 3 . . Undisclosed REC99999 SELIVHQRLF . . . . . .
PEP00440 Antimicrobial peptide Cm-p5 4 . . Undisclosed REC99999 SRSELIVHQRLFG . . . . . .
PEP00441 Antimicrobial peptides (AMP) 1 Cyclic . Undisclosed REC99999 RQIKIWFQNRRW . . . . . .
PEP00442 Antimicrobial peptides (AMP) 2 Cyclic . Undisclosed REC99999 GWRNQIRKGWQR . . . . . .
PEP00443 Antimicrobial peptides (AMP) 3 Cyclic . Undisclosed REC99999 GWRRNQFWIKIQR . . . . . .
PEP00444 Antimicrobial peptides (AMP) 4 Cyclic . Undisclosed REC99999 GWIRNQFRKIWQR . . . . . .
PEP00445 Antimicrobial peptides (AMP) 5 Cyclic . Undisclosed REC99999 RQIKIWFQNRRWA . . . . . .
PEP00446 Autoinducing peptide (AIP) 1 Linear . Undisclosed REC99999 XAFKK . . . . . .
PEP00447 Autoinducing peptide (AIP) 2 Cyclic . Undisclosed REC99999 CAFKK . . . . . .
PEP00448 Autoinducing peptide (AIP) 3 Linear . Undisclosed REC99999 INCAFKK . . . . . .
PEP00449 Azidopeptides 1 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XIYAX . . . . . .
PEP00450 Azidopeptides 2 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XWYAX . . . . . .
PEP00451 Azidopeptides 3 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XSYAX . . . . . .
PEP00452 Azidopeptides 4 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XVYAX . . . . . .
PEP00453 Azidopeptides 5 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XHYAX . . . . . .
PEP00454 Azidopeptides 6 . . Undisclosed REC99999 QPNSXNYN . . . . . .
PEP00455 Azidopeptides 7 . . Undisclosed REC99999 KKKKKFKKLQ . . . . . .
PEP00456 Azidopeptides 8 . . Undisclosed REC99999 QKKKKKFKKL . . . . . .
PEP00457 Azidopeptides 9 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XNYN . . . . . .
PEP00458 Azidopeptides 10 . . Undisclosed REC99999 KKLFKKILKYL . . . . . .
PEP00459 Azidopeptides 11 . . Undisclosed REC99999 LFLKILKYL . . . . . .
PEP00460 Azidopeptides 12 . . Undisclosed REC99999 LFKKILKYL . . . . . .
PEP00461 Azidopeptides 13 . . Undisclosed REC99999 LLILKYL . . . . . .
PEP00462 Azidopeptides 14 . . Undisclosed REC99999 KKILKYL . . . . . .
PEP00463 Azidopeptides 15 . . Undisclosed REC99999 LILKYL . . . . . .
PEP00464 Azidopeptides 16 . . Undisclosed REC99999 KILKYL . . . . . .
PEP00465 Azidopeptides 17 . . Undisclosed REC99999 ILKYL . . . . . .
PEP00466 Bim-BH3 domain core region . . Undisclosed REC99999 IAQELRRIGDEF . . . . . .
PEP00467 Bombesin . . Undisclosed REC99999 YQWAVXHXX . . . . . .
PEP00468 Bombesin (BBN) fragment . . Undisclosed REC99999 YQWAVXHXX . . . . . .
PEP00469 Bombesin receptor ligand peptide 1 . . Undisclosed REC99999 KCFWKTCT . . . . . .
PEP00470 Bombesin receptor ligand peptide 2 . . Undisclosed REC99999 FCYWKTCT . . . . . .
PEP00471 Bombesin receptor ligand peptide 3 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GSGQWVGHLM . . . . . .
PEP00472 Cationic antimicrobial peptides (CAMP) 1 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GNNRPVYIPQPRPPHPRL . . . . . .
PEP00473 Cationic antimicrobial peptides (CAMP) 2 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GTRSSRAGLQFPVGRVHRLLRK . . . . . .
PEP00474 Cationic antimicrobial peptides (CAMP) 3 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GNNRPVYIPRPPHPRL . . . . . .
PEP00475 Cationic antimicrobial peptides (CAMP) 4 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GIGKFLHSAKKFGKAFVGFILNS . . . . . .
PEP00476 Cell division cycle 6 (CDC6) . . Undisclosed REC99999 SKLGRFTFCSC . . . . . .
PEP00477 Cell-penetrating octaarginine and lung-targeting peptide . . Undisclosed REC99999 IELLQARGGCGGRRRRRRRR . . . . . .
PEP00478 Cell-penetrating peptide BP16 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GFLGKKLFKKILKKLK . . . . . .
PEP00479 Cell-penetrating peptide BP17 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XKKKLFKKILKKL . . . . . .
PEP00480 Cell-penetrating peptide BP18 . . Undisclosed REC99999 KKLFKKILKKLK . . . . . .
PEP00481 Cell-penetrating peptide BP19 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GFLGKKLFKKILKKL . . . . . .
PEP00482 Cell-penetrating peptide BP20 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XKKKLFKKILKKL . . . . . .
PEP00483 Cell-penetrating peptide BP21 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XKKKLFKKILKKL . . . . . .
PEP00484 Cell-penetrating peptide BP22 . . Undisclosed REC99999 KKLFKKILKKLK . . . . . .
PEP00485 Cell-penetrating peptide BP23 . . Undisclosed REC99999 KKLFKKILKKL . . . . . .
PEP00486 Cell-penetrating peptide BP24 . . Undisclosed REC99999 KKLFKKILKKLK . . . . . .
PEP00487 Cell-penetrating peptide BP25 . . Undisclosed REC99999 KKLFKKILKKL . . . . . .
PEP00488 "CIBR peptide (Intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) fragment), dimer" Linear . Undisclosed REC99999 XXPRGGSVLVTGC . . . . . .
PEP00489 "CIBR peptide (Intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) fragment), monomer 1" Cyclic . Undisclosed REC99999 XXPRGGSVLVTGC . . . . . .
PEP00490 "CIBR peptide (Intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) fragment), monomer 2" Cyclic . Undisclosed REC99999 XXPRGGSVLVXGC . . . . . .
PEP00491 "CIBR peptide (Intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) fragment), monomer 3" Cyclic . Undisclosed REC99999 XXPRGGAVLVTGC . . . . . .
PEP00492 CPP2 . . Undisclosed REC99999 DSLKSYWYLQ KFSWR . . . . . .
PEP00493 Designed oligopeptides 1 . . Undisclosed REC99999 RGDRGDRGDRGDPGA . . . . . .
PEP00494 Designed oligopeptides 2 . . Undisclosed REC99999 FFHLHFHYGA . . . . . .
PEP00495 Designed oligopeptides 3 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GGGPKKKRKVGG . . . . . .
PEP00496 Designed oligopeptides 4 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GGGPKKKRKVGA . . . . . .
PEP00497 VI Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Solute carrier family 15 member 1 (SLC15A1) REC00067 VI VI . . . . .
PEP00498 VF Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Undisclosed REC99999 VF VF . . . . .
PEP00499 AA Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Solute carrier family 15 member 1 (SLC15A1) REC00067 AA AA . . . . .
PEP00500 VA Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Solute carrier family 15 member 1 (SLC15A1) REC00067 VA VA . . . . .
PEP00501 VG Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Solute carrier family 15 member 1 (SLC15A1) REC00067 VG VG . . . . .
PEP00502 IV Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Solute carrier family 15 member 1 (SLC15A1) REC00067 IV IV . . . . .
PEP00503 FV Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Solute carrier family 15 member 1 (SLC15A1) REC00067 FV FV . . . . .
PEP00504 GV Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Solute carrier family 15 member 1 (SLC15A1) REC00067 GV GV . . . . .
PEP00505 AV Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Solute carrier family 15 member 1 (SLC15A1) REC00067 AV AV . . . . .
PEP00506 VV Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Solute carrier family 15 member 1 (SLC15A1) REC00067 VV VV . . . . .
PEP00507 Dipeptide 11 . . Undisclosed REC99999 KT . . . . . .
PEP00508 Dipeptide 12 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XKT . . . . . .
PEP00509 Dipeptide 13 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XIGX . . . . . .
PEP00510 Dipeptide 14 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XVLX . . . . . .
PEP00511 Dipeptide 15 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XAFX . . . . . .
PEP00512 Dipeptide 16 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XSQX . . . . . .
PEP00513 Dipeptide 17 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XVPX . . . . . .
PEP00514 Dipeptide 18 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XVPVX . . . . . .
PEP00515 Dipeptide 19 . . Undisclosed REC99999 VPVX . . . . . .
PEP00516 Dipeptide 20 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XVVXX . . . . . .
PEP00517 Dipeptide 21 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XVFX . . . . . .
PEP00518 Dipeptide 22 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XLL . . . . . .
PEP00519 Dipeptide 23 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XLFX . . . . . .
PEP00520 Dipeptide 24 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XVDX . . . . . .
PEP00521 Dipeptide 25 . . Undisclosed REC99999 VP . . . . . .
PEP00522 Dipeptide 26 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XVAX . . . . . .
PEP00523 Dipeptide 27 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XHGX . . . . . .
PEP00524 Dipeptide 28 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XHWX . . . . . .
PEP00525 Dipeptide 29 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XII . . . . . .
PEP00526 Dipeptide 30 . . Undisclosed REC99999 AV . . . . . .
PEP00527 Dipeptide 31 . . Undisclosed REC99999 AF . . . . . .
PEP00528 Dipeptide 32 . . Undisclosed REC99999 AG . . . . . .
PEP00529 Dipeptide 33 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XG . . . . . .
PEP00530 Dipeptide 34 . . Undisclosed REC99999 EE . . . . . .
PEP00531 Dipeptide 35 . . Undisclosed REC99999 PI . . . . . .
PEP00532 Dipeptide 36 . . HIV-1 protease REC00065 FP . . . . . .
PEP00533 Dipeptide 37 . . Undisclosed REC99999 II . . . . . .
PEP00534 Dipeptide 38 . . Undisclosed REC99999 KK . . . . . .
PEP00535 Dipeptide 39 . . Undisclosed REC99999 KV . . . . . .
PEP00536 Dipeptide 40 . . Undisclosed REC99999 WR . . . . . .
PEP00537 Dipeptide 41 . . Undisclosed REC99999 HK . . . . . .
PEP00538 Dipeptide 42 . . Undisclosed REC99999 LF . . . . . .
PEP00539 Dipeptide 43 . . Undisclosed REC99999 VV . . . . . .
PEP00540 Dipeptide 44 . . Undisclosed REC99999 LL . . . . . .
PEP00541 Dipeptide 45 . . Undisclosed REC99999 LA . . . . . .
PEP00542 Dipeptide 46 . . Undisclosed REC99999 KR . . . . . .
PEP00543 Diprolyl-oligoalanin 1 . . Undisclosed REC99999 PPAAAAA . . . . . .
PEP00544 Diprolyl-oligoalanin 2 . . Undisclosed REC99999 PPAA . . . . . .
PEP00545 Diprolyl-oligoalanin 3 . . Undisclosed REC99999 PPAAA . . . . . .
PEP00546 Diprolyl-oligoalanin 4 . . Undisclosed REC99999 PPXAAAA . . . . . .
PEP00547 Diprolyl-oligoalanin 5 . . Undisclosed REC99999 PPXA . . . . . .
PEP00548 Diprolyl-oligoalanin 6 . . Undisclosed REC99999 PPAAAAAA . . . . . .
PEP00549 Diprolyl-oligoalanin 7 . . Undisclosed REC99999 PPAAAA . . . . . .
PEP00550 Dodecapeptide . . Undisclosed REC99999 LARKFEAFARAG . . . . . .
PEP00551 Edotreotide (TOC) . . Undisclosed REC99999 GFCYWKTC . . . . . .
PEP00552 EGFR-binding peptide (EBP) . . Undisclosed REC99999 CMYIEALDKYAC . . . . . .
PEP00553 Elastin (fragment) 1 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GEGFPGVGVPGVGVPGVGVPGFGFPGFGFP . . . . . .
PEP00554 Elastin (fragment) 2 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GEGFPGVGVPGVGFPGFGFPGVGVPGVGFP . . . . . .
PEP00555 Elastin-base peptide 1 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GEGFPGVGVPGVGFPGFGFPGVGVPGVGFP . . . . . .
PEP00556 Elastin-base peptide 2 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GEGFPGVGVPGVGVPGVGVPGFGFPGFGFP . . . . . .
PEP00557 Endothelial cell epitope . . Undisclosed REC99999 GRGDS . . . . . .
PEP00558 Ephrin type-A receptor 2 (EphA2) targeting peptide 1 . . Undisclosed REC99999 YSAYPDSVPMMSK . . . . . .
PEP00559 Ephrin type-A receptor 2 (EphA2) targeting peptide 2 . . Undisclosed REC99999 DYPSMAMYSPSVK . . . . . .
PEP00560 Ephrin type-A receptor 2 (EphA2) targeting peptide 3 . . Undisclosed REC99999 YSAYPDSVPXXSK . . . . . .
PEP00561 ErbB-2-binding peptide . . Undisclosed REC99999 LTVSPWY . . . . . .
PEP00562 Functionalized peptide epitope 1 . . Undisclosed REC99999 AELDRWEKIRLRPAA . . . . . .
PEP00563 Functionalized peptide epitope 2 . . Undisclosed REC99999 AELDRWEKIRLRPAACXXXXXXXXXXX . . . . . .
PEP00564 G3-C12 peptide 1 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XGSGANTPCGPYTHDCPVKR . . . . . .
PEP00565 G3-C12 peptide 2 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GSGANTPCGPYTHDCPVKR . . . . . .
PEP00566 Galectin-3 targeting peptide (G3-C12) . . Undisclosed REC99999 XGSGANTPCGPYTHDCPVKR . . . . . .
PEP00567 Glu-AQ 1 Cyclic . Undisclosed REC99999 RKGRS . . . . . .
PEP00568 Glu-AQ 2 Cyclic . Undisclosed REC99999 RGRKG . . . . . .
PEP00569 Glu-AQ 3 Cyclic . Undisclosed REC99999 RERKG . . . . . .
PEP00570 Glu-AQ 4 Cyclic . Undisclosed REC99999 XRSRG . . . . . .
PEP00571 Glu-AQ 5 Cyclic . Undisclosed REC99999 GRGRK . . . . . .
PEP00572 Glu-AQ 6 Cyclic . Undisclosed REC99999 GRERK . . . . . .
PEP00573 Glu-AQ 7 Cyclic . Undisclosed REC99999 GRSRK . . . . . .
PEP00574 Glutamic acid oligopeptide 1 . . Undisclosed REC99999 EEEEEE . . . . . .
PEP00575 Glutamic acid oligopeptide 2 . . Undisclosed REC99999 EEEEE . . . . . .
PEP00576 Glutamic acid oligopeptide 3 . . Undisclosed REC99999 EEEE . . . . . .
PEP00577 GranF2 granulysin . . Undisclosed REC99999 VCRTGRSRWRDVCRNFMRRYQSR . . . . . .
PEP00578 Heptapeptide 1 Linear . Undisclosed REC99999 GGPHSRN . . . . . .
PEP00579 Heptapeptide 2 Linear . Undisclosed REC99999 GGGYIGSR . . . . . .
PEP00580 Hexapeptide 1 Linear . Undisclosed REC99999 GGDGEA . . . . . .
PEP00581 Hexapeptide 2 Linear . Undisclosed REC99999 GGRGDS . . . . . .
PEP00582 Hexapeptide 3 Linear . Undisclosed REC99999 GSGDRG . . . . . .
PEP00583 Hexapeptide 4 Linear . Undisclosed REC99999 GSGDXG . . . . . .
PEP00584 Hexapeptide 5 Linear . Undisclosed REC99999 GGXGDS . . . . . .
PEP00585 Hexapeptide 6 . . Undisclosed REC99999 NVXKXD . . . . . .
PEP00586 Hexapeptide 7 . . Undisclosed REC99999 NVXKID . . . . . .
PEP00587 Hexapeptide 8 . . Undisclosed REC99999 NXPKID . . . . . .
PEP00588 Hexapeptide 9 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XLIVAGK . . . . . .
PEP00589 Hexapeptide 10 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XLIVAGD . . . . . .
PEP00590 Hexapeptide 11 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XHSSKLQX . . . . . .
PEP00591 Hexapeptide 12 . . Undisclosed REC99999 VKDGYI . . . . . .
PEP00592 "Hexapeptide, cyclic 1" . . Undisclosed REC99999 [HTFPFW] . . . . . .
PEP00593 "Hexapeptide, cyclic 2" . . Undisclosed REC99999 [WXTFPF] . . . . . .
PEP00594 "Hexapeptide, cyclic 3" . . Undisclosed REC99999 [WGMFDM] . . . . . .
PEP00595 Hexarginin 1 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XRRRRRR . . . . . .
PEP00596 Hexarginin 2 . . Undisclosed REC99999 RRRRRR . . . . . .
PEP00597 High-affinity DNA binding peptide HyM10 . . Undisclosed REC99999 MXRKXXXXKR . . . . . .
PEP00598 High-affinity DNA binding peptide HyQ10 . . Undisclosed REC99999 QXRKXXXXKR . . . . . .
PEP00599 Inhibitor peptide 1 . . Undisclosed REC99999 EVNXVAEFXXXXXD . . . . . .
PEP00600 Inhibitor peptide 2 . . Undisclosed REC99999 EVNXXXXXD . . . . . .
PEP00601 Inhibitor peptide 3 . . Undisclosed REC99999 EVNXXXXD . . . . . .
PEP00602 Inhibitor peptide 4 . . Undisclosed REC99999 EVNXVAEFXXXD . . . . . .
PEP00603 Inhibitor peptide 5 . . Undisclosed REC99999 EVNXXXD . . . . . .
PEP00604 Inhibitor peptide 6 . . Undisclosed REC99999 EVNXVAEFXXXXD . . . . . .
PEP00605 Inhibitor peptide 7 . . Undisclosed REC99999 EVNXVAEFXXD . . . . . .
PEP00606 Inhibitor peptide 8 . . Undisclosed REC99999 EVNXVAEF . . . . . .
PEP00607 Inhibitor peptide 9 . . Undisclosed REC99999 EVNXVAEFXD . . . . . .
PEP00608 Ketone containing peptide 1 . . Undisclosed REC99999 KGGGHVWMQAP . . . . . .
PEP00609 Ketone containing peptide 2 . . Undisclosed REC99999 KGGGAMPVQWH . . . . . .
PEP00610 KK (plasma membrane delivery) . . Undisclosed REC99999 XKKX . . . . . .
PEP00611 Linear arginineglycineaspartic acid (RGD) . . Undisclosed REC99999 XRGD . . . . . .
PEP00612 Linear asparagineglycinearginine (NGR) 1 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XNRG . . . . . .
PEP00613 Linear asparagineglycinearginine (NGR) 2 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XNGR . . . . . .
PEP00614 Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) binding antimicrobial peptide YI13WF . . Undisclosed REC99999 YVLWKRKRKFCFI . . . . . .
PEP00615 Lung-targeting peptide . . Undisclosed REC99999 IELLQARGGC . . . . . .
PEP00616 Lysosomally degradable peptide 1 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XQGFLGK . . . . . .
PEP00617 Lysosomally degradable peptide 2 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XQGFLG . . . . . .
PEP00618 Lysosomally degradable peptide 3 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XGFLGK . . . . . .
PEP00619 Lysosomally degradable peptide 4 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XKGFLG . . . . . .
PEP00620 Lytic peptides 1 . . Undisclosed REC99999 LVKRFKKFFRKVKKCVLL . . . . . .
PEP00621 Lytic peptides 2 . . Undisclosed REC99999 LVRRFRRFFRRVRRCVLL . . . . . .
PEP00622 Lytic peptides 3 . . Undisclosed REC99999 LVKRFKKFFRKLRRCVLL . . . . . .
PEP00623 Lytic peptides 4 . . Undisclosed REC99999 ELVRRFRRFFRRLRRCVLL . . . . . .
PEP00624 Lytic peptides 5 . . Undisclosed REC99999 LVKRFKKFFRKLKKCVLL . . . . . .
PEP00625 Lytic peptides 6 . . Undisclosed REC99999 LVRRFRRFFRRLRRCVLL . . . . . .
PEP00626 Melanocortin receptor 1 (MC1R) antagonist peptide 1 . . Undisclosed REC99999 KV . . . . . .
PEP00627 Melanocortin receptor 1 (MC1R) antagonist peptide 2 . . Undisclosed REC99999 RP . . . . . .
PEP00628 Melanocortin receptor 1 (MC1R) antagonist peptide 3 . . Undisclosed REC99999 AR . . . . . .
PEP00629 Melanocortin receptor 1 (MC1R) antagonist peptide 4 . . Undisclosed REC99999 VAR . . . . . .
PEP00630 Melanocortin receptor 1 (MC1R) antagonist peptide 5 . . Undisclosed REC99999 KVAR . . . . . .
PEP00631 Melanocortin receptor 1 (MC1R) antagonist peptide 6 . . Undisclosed REC99999 VARP . . . . . .
PEP00632 Melanocortin receptor 1 (MC1R) antagonist peptide 7 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XAR . . . . . .
PEP00633 Melanocortin receptor 1 (MC1R) antagonist peptide 8 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XVAR . . . . . .
PEP00634 Model major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-binding peptide antigen 1 . . Undisclosed REC99999 FFRKSIINFEKL . . . . . .
PEP00635 Model major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-binding peptide antigen 2 . . Undisclosed REC99999 CFFRKSIINFEKL . . . . . .
PEP00636 Model peptide 1 . . Undisclosed REC99999 LFMSCRTWKHYEQ . . . . . .
PEP00637 Model peptide 2 . . Undisclosed REC99999 LAILA . . . . . .
PEP00638 Modified ternatin 1 . . Undisclosed REC99999 AKLIALL . . . . . .
PEP00639 Modified ternatin 2 . . Undisclosed REC99999 ALLAKLI . . . . . .
PEP00640 Modified ternatin 3 . . Undisclosed REC99999 [KTIALLA] . . . . . .
PEP00641 Modified ternatin 4 . . Undisclosed REC99999 AKTIALL . . . . . .
PEP00642 Modified ternatin 5 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XAKTIALL . . . . . .
PEP00643 Neuropeptide Y (NPY) . . Undisclosed REC99999 YPSKPDNPGEDAPAEDMARYYSALRHYINLITRQRY . . . . . .
PEP00644 Neuropeptide Y derivative . . Undisclosed REC99999 YPSXXRHYINLTRQRY . . . . . .
PEP00645 Nonapeptide 1 . . Undisclosed REC99999 INPKYRLRY . . . . . .
PEP00646 Nonapeptide 2 . . Undisclosed REC99999 INXKYRLRY . . . . . .
PEP00647 Nonapeptide 3 . . Undisclosed REC99999 INXRYRLRY . . . . . .
PEP00648 Nonapeptide 4 . . Undisclosed REC99999 IEPXYRLRY . . . . . .
PEP00649 NoxaBH3 . . Undisclosed REC99999 AACLRRIGDCVNLRQKLLN . . . . . .
PEP00650 N-terminal aldehyde peptide 1 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GGGGRGDS . . . . . .
PEP00651 N-terminal aldehyde peptide 2 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GGGPNRHS . . . . . .
PEP00652 N-terminal aldehyde peptide 3 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GGGPHSRN . . . . . .
PEP00653 Nuclear localization sequence of human NK-kappaB (NTP) . . Undisclosed REC99999 VQRKRQKLMP . . . . . .
PEP00654 Nuclear localization sequences (NLS) 1 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GPKKKRKV . . . . . .
PEP00655 Nuclear localization sequences (NLS) 2 . . Undisclosed REC99999 NXGPKKKRKV . . . . . .
PEP00656 Octaarginine . . Undisclosed REC99999 RRRRRRRRGGC . . . . . .
PEP00657 Octapeptide 1 Linear . Undisclosed REC99999 GGGPHSRN . . . . . .
PEP00658 Octapeptide 2 Linear . Undisclosed REC99999 GGGYIGSR . . . . . .
PEP00659 Octapeptide 3 Linear . Undisclosed REC99999 GGGGXGDS . . . . . .
PEP00660 Octapeptide 4 Linear . Undisclosed REC99999 GGGGRGDS . . . . . .
PEP00661 Octapeptide recognized and cleaved by MMP2 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GPLGIAGQ . . . . . .
PEP00662 Octapeptide recognized and cleaved by MMP3 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GPLGIAGQ . . . . . .
PEP00663 Octapeptide recognized and cleaved by MMP4 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GPLGIAGQ . . . . . .
PEP00664 Octarginin 1 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XRRRRRRRR . . . . . .
PEP00665 Octarginin 2 . . Undisclosed REC99999 RRRRRRRR . . . . . .
PEP00666 O-GlcNAc transferase fragment . . Undisclosed REC99999 VTPVSTA . . . . . .
PEP00667 Oligoglycin 1 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GGGGG . . . . . .
PEP00668 Oligoglycin 2 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GGGG . . . . . .
PEP00669 Oligoglycin 3 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GGG . . . . . .
PEP00670 Oligoglycin 4 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GG . . . . . .
PEP00671 Oligoleucin 1 . . Undisclosed REC99999 LLLLLLL . . . . . .
PEP00672 Oligoleucin 2 . . Undisclosed REC99999 LLLLLL . . . . . .
PEP00673 Oligoleucin 3 . . Undisclosed REC99999 LLLLL . . . . . .
PEP00674 Oligoleucin 4 . . Undisclosed REC99999 LLLLLLLLLL . . . . . .
PEP00675 Oligoleucin 5 . . Undisclosed REC99999 LLLLLLLL . . . . . .
PEP00676 Oligoleucin 6 . . Undisclosed REC99999 LLLL . . . . . .
PEP00677 Oligopeptide 1 . . Undisclosed REC99999 PYAX . . . . . .
PEP00678 Oligopeptide 2 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XVYAX . . . . . .
PEP00679 Oligopeptide 3 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XIYAX . . . . . .
PEP00680 Oligopeptide 4 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XFYAX . . . . . .
PEP00681 Oligopeptide 5 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XAYAX . . . . . .
PEP00682 Oligopeptide 6 . . Undisclosed REC99999 FAX . . . . . .
PEP00683 Oligopeptide 7 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XGYX . . . . . .
PEP00684 Oligopeptide 8 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XAYX . . . . . .
PEP00685 Oligopeptide 9 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XPYAX . . . . . .
PEP00686 Oligopeptide 10 . . Undisclosed REC99999 PQPSKSA . . . . . .
PEP00687 Oligopeptide 11 . . Undisclosed REC99999 VANIEV . . . . . .
PEP00688 Oligopeptide 12 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XNYX . . . . . .
PEP00689 Oligopeptide 13 . . Undisclosed REC99999 EVNXVAEFXXXXXD . . . . . .
PEP00690 Oligopeptide 14 . . Undisclosed REC99999 EVNXXXXXD . . . . . .
PEP00691 Oligopeptide 15 . . Undisclosed REC99999 EVNXXXXD . . . . . .
PEP00692 Oligopeptide 16 . . Undisclosed REC99999 EVNXVAEFXXD . . . . . .
PEP00693 Oligopeptide 17 . . Undisclosed REC99999 EVNXXXD . . . . . .
PEP00694 Oligopeptide 18 . . Undisclosed REC99999 EXGEVNXVAEFXXXXXD . . . . . .
PEP00695 Oligopeptide 19 . . Undisclosed REC99999 EVNXXXXXXXXD . . . . . .
PEP00696 Oligopeptide 20 . . Undisclosed REC99999 EVNXVAEFXD . . . . . .
PEP00697 Oligopeptide 21 . . Undisclosed REC99999 EVNXVAEFD . . . . . .
PEP00698 Oligophenylalanin 1 . . Undisclosed REC99999 FFFFFFF . . . . . .
PEP00699 Oligophenylalanin 2 . . Undisclosed REC99999 FFFFFF . . . . . .
PEP00700 Oligophenylalanin 3 . . Undisclosed REC99999 FFFFF . . . . . .
PEP00701 Oligophenylalanin 4 . . Undisclosed REC99999 FFFF . . . . . .
PEP00702 Oligophenylalanin 5 . . Undisclosed REC99999 FFF . . . . . .
PEP00703 Oligovalin 1 . . Undisclosed REC99999 VVVVVVVVVV . . . . . .
PEP00704 Oligovalin 2 . . Undisclosed REC99999 VVVVVVV . . . . . .
PEP00705 Oligovalin 3 . . Undisclosed REC99999 VVVVVV . . . . . .
PEP00706 Oligovalin 4 . . Undisclosed REC99999 VVVVV . . . . . .
PEP00707 Oligovalin 5 . . Undisclosed REC99999 VVVV . . . . . .
PEP00708 Oligovalin 6 . . Undisclosed REC99999 VVV . . . . . .
PEP00709 OT20 tuftsin . . Undisclosed REC99999 TKPKGTKPKGTKPKGTKPKG . . . . . .
PEP00710 Partially truncated AP-1-like peptide 1 . . Undisclosed REC99999 AAKCRAA . . . . . .
PEP00711 Partially truncated AP-1-like peptide 2 . . Undisclosed REC99999 AKCRKRA . . . . . .
PEP00712 Partially truncated AP-1-like peptide 3 . . Undisclosed REC99999 AKCRNRA . . . . . .
PEP00713 Partially truncated AP-1-like peptide 4 . . Undisclosed REC99999 AKCRKA . . . . . .
PEP00714 Partially truncated AP-1-like peptide 5 . . Undisclosed REC99999 AKCRNA . . . . . .
PEP00715 Partially truncated AP-1-like peptide 6 . . Undisclosed REC99999 AKSRA . . . . . .
PEP00716 Partially truncated AP-1-like peptide 7 . . Undisclosed REC99999 AKCRA . . . . . .
PEP00717 Partially truncated AP-1-like peptide 8 . . Undisclosed REC99999 ARCKA . . . . . .
PEP00718 Penetratin . . Undisclosed REC99999 CRQIKIWFQNRRMKWKK . . . . . .
PEP00719 Penetratin (fragment) . . Undisclosed REC99999 CKKWKMRRNQFWIKIQR . . . . . .
PEP00720 Penetratin fragment . . Undisclosed REC99999 CRRMKWKK . . . . . .
PEP00721 Penetratine 1 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XGFLGRQIKIWFQNRRKWKK . . . . . .
PEP00722 Penetratine 2 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XEEEEERQIKIWFQNRRKWKK . . . . . .
PEP00723 Penetratine 3 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XRQIKIWFQNRRKWKK . . . . . .
PEP00724 Pentapeptide 1 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XASXQ . . . . . .
PEP00725 Pentapeptide 2 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GQSYD . . . . . .
PEP00726 Pentapeptide 3 . . Undisclosed REC99999 HQRLF . . . . . .
PEP00727 Pentapeptide 4 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XRNLF . . . . . .
PEP00728 Pentapeptide 5 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XPASXEX . . . . . .
PEP00729 Pentapeptide 6 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XPASXQX . . . . . .
PEP00730 Pentapeptide 7 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GFGFP . . . . . .
PEP00731 Pentapeptide 8 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GVGVP . . . . . .
PEP00732 Pentapeptide 9 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GGFP . . . . . .
PEP00733 Pentapeptide 10 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GGIP . . . . . .
PEP00734 Pentapeptide 11 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GGAP . . . . . .
PEP00735 Pentapeptide 12 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XLGFFLXX . . . . . .
PEP00736 Pentapeptide generated by plasmin degradation from the fibrinogen beta chain 1 . . Undisclosed REC99999 QRPAK . . . . . .
PEP00737 Pentapeptide generated by plasmin degradation from the fibrinogen beta chain 2 . . Undisclosed REC99999 ARPAK . . . . . .
PEP00738 Pentapeptide generated by plasmin degradation from the fibrinogen beta chain 3 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GRPAK . . . . . .
PEP00739 Pentapeptide generated by plasmin degradation from the fibrinogen beta chain 4 . . Undisclosed REC99999 RPAK . . . . . .
PEP00740 Pentapeptide generated by plasmin degradation from the fibrinogen beta chain 5 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XQRPAK . . . . . .
PEP00741 Pentapeptide generated by plasmin degradation from the fibrinogen beta chain 6 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XGRPAK . . . . . .
PEP00742 Pentapeptide generated by plasmin degradation from the fibrinogen beta chain 7 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XARPAK . . . . . .
PEP00743 Pentapeptide generated by plasmin degradation from the fibrinogen beta chain 8 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XQXPAK . . . . . .
PEP00744 Pentapeptide generated by plasmin degradation from the fibrinogen beta chain 9 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XGXPAK . . . . . .
PEP00745 Pentapeptide generated by plasmin degradation from the fibrinogen beta chain 10 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XAXPAK . . . . . .
PEP00746 "Pentapeptide, linear 1" . . Undisclosed REC99999 XMAWFG . . . . . .
PEP00747 "Pentapeptide, linear 2" . . Undisclosed REC99999 PHWSY . . . . . .
PEP00748 Peptide 26 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XNNYTSLIHSLIEESQNQQEKNEQELL . . . . . .
PEP00749 Peptide substrate . . Undisclosed REC99999 EILSRRPAYRKIL . . . . . .
PEP00750 Poliargine (R8) 1 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XEEEEEGFLGRRRRRRRR . . . . . .
PEP00751 Poliargine (R8) 2 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XGFLGRRRRRRRR . . . . . .
PEP00752 Poliargine (R8) 3 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XEEEEERRRRRRRR . . . . . .
PEP00753 Poliargine (R8) 4 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XRRRRRRRR . . . . . .
PEP00754 Polyarginin 1 . . Undisclosed REC99999 RRRRRRRR . . . . . .
PEP00755 Polyarginin 2 . . Undisclosed REC99999 RRRRRR . . . . . .
PEP00756 Polyarginin 3 . . Undisclosed REC99999 RRRR . . . . . .
PEP00757 Polyarginine 1 . . Undisclosed REC99999 RRRRRHHHHHC . . . . . .
PEP00758 Polyarginine 2 . . Undisclosed REC99999 RRRC . . . . . .
PEP00759 Polyarginine 3 . . Undisclosed REC99999 RRRRRC . . . . . .
PEP00760 Polyarginine 4 . . Undisclosed REC99999 RRRHHHC . . . . . .
PEP00761 Polyarginine 5 . . Undisclosed REC99999 WRRRRRRRR . . . . . .
PEP00762 Polyarginine 6 . . Undisclosed REC99999 WRRRRRR . . . . . .
PEP00763 Polyarginine 7 . . Undisclosed REC99999 WRRRR . . . . . .
PEP00764 PPQ . . Undisclosed REC99999 GRKKRRQRRR . . . . . .
PEP00765 Somatostatin backbone cyclic analog Cyclic . Undisclosed REC99999 FCFWWKTFG . . . . . .
PEP00766 Somatostatin receptor ligand peptide 1 . . Undisclosed REC99999 KWVGHLM . . . . . .
PEP00767 Somatostatin receptor ligand peptide 2 . . Undisclosed REC99999 QWVGHLM . . . . . .
PEP00768 SV40 (nucleus delivery) . . Undisclosed REC99999 XKKKRKV . . . . . .
PEP00769 SV40 nuclear transport signal peptide analog . . Undisclosed REC99999 CGYGPKKKRKVGG . . . . . .
PEP00770 T2635-truncated peptide (HIV-1 fusion inhibitor) 1 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XEYAARIEALIRAAQEQQKK . . . . . .
PEP00771 T2635-truncated peptide (HIV-1 fusion inhibitor) 2 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XEYAARIEALIRAAQEQQKKNEE . . . . . .
PEP00772 T2635-truncated peptide (HIV-1 fusion inhibitor) 3 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XEYAARIEALIRAAQEQQEKNEAALRE . . . . . .
PEP00773 TAT . . Undisclosed REC99999 RKKRRQRRRPPQ . . . . . .
PEP00774 Tat (lysosome delivery) . . Undisclosed REC99999 XRKKRRQRRR . . . . . .
PEP00775 TAT49-57 . . Undisclosed REC99999 RKKRRQRRR . . . . . .
PEP00776 TAT-analogue 1 . . Undisclosed REC99999 CGRKKRRQRRRPPQ . . . . . .
PEP00777 TAT-analogue 2 . . Undisclosed REC99999 KGRKKRRQRRRPPQ . . . . . .
PEP00778 TAT-analogue 3 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GRKKRRQRRRPPQC . . . . . .
PEP00779 TAT-analogue 4 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GRKKRRQRRRPPQK . . . . . .
PEP00780 TATE . . Undisclosed REC99999 FCYWKTCT . . . . . .
PEP00781 Tetrapeptide 1 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XASX . . . . . .
PEP00782 Tetrapeptide 2 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XFGX . . . . . .
PEP00783 Tetrapeptide 3 . . Undisclosed REC99999 QRLF . . . . . .
PEP00784 Tetrapeptide 4 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GVGV . . . . . .
PEP00785 Tetrapeptide 5 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XSKLX . . . . . .
PEP00786 Tetrapeptide 6 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XSKLQX . . . . . .
PEP00787 Tetrapeptide 7 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XVPVPX . . . . . .
PEP00788 Tetrapeptide 8 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GGFP . . . . . .
PEP00789 Tetrapeptide 9 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GGIP . . . . . .
PEP00790 Tetrapeptide 10 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GGAP . . . . . .
PEP00791 Tetrapeptide 11 . . Undisclosed REC99999 FGLG . . . . . .
PEP00792 Tetrapeptide 12 . . Undisclosed REC99999 AFGG . . . . . .
PEP00793 Tetrapeptide 13 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XVFGX . . . . . .
PEP00794 Tetrapeptide 14 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XAFGX . . . . . .
PEP00795 Tetrapeptide 15 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XEFFXX . . . . . .
PEP00796 Tetrapeptide 16 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XEFFX . . . . . .
PEP00797 Tetrapeptide 17 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XEVFFXX . . . . . .
PEP00798 Tetrapeptide 18 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XAGFLXX . . . . . .
PEP00799 Tetrapeptide 19 . . Undisclosed REC99999 VPX . . . . . .
PEP00800 Tetrapeptide 20 . . Undisclosed REC99999 VPVP . . . . . .
PEP00801 Tetrapeptide 21 . . Undisclosed REC99999 VAVP . . . . . .
PEP00802 Tetrapeptide 22 . . Undisclosed REC99999 WAAW . . . . . .
PEP00803 Tetrapeptide 23 . . Undisclosed REC99999 ENFF . . . . . .
PEP00804 Tetrapeptide 24 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XSAS . . . . . .
PEP00805 Tetrapeptide 25 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XSGS . . . . . .
PEP00806 Tetrapeptide 26 . . Undisclosed REC99999 RGDV . . . . . .
PEP00807 Tetrapeptide 27 . . Undisclosed REC99999 RGDS . . . . . .
PEP00808 Tetrapeptide 28 . . Undisclosed REC99999 RGDF . . . . . .
PEP00809 Tetrapeptide 29 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XGDF . . . . . .
PEP00810 Tetrapeptide 30 . . Undisclosed REC99999 SSFY . . . . . .
PEP00811 Tetrapeptide 31 . . Undisclosed REC99999 RGDX . . . . . .
PEP00812 Tetrapeptide 32 . . Undisclosed REC99999 SAAF . . . . . .
PEP00813 Tetrapeptide 33 . . Undisclosed REC99999 SFFG . . . . . .
PEP00814 Tetrapeptide 34 . . Undisclosed REC99999 SAFG . . . . . .
PEP00815 Tetrapeptide 35 . . Undisclosed REC99999 VAVA . . . . . .
PEP00816 Tetrapeptide 36 . . Undisclosed REC99999 KPDP . . . . . .
PEP00817 Tetrapeptide 37 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GGGG . . . . . .
PEP00818 Tetrapeptide 38 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XSNG . . . . . .
PEP00819 Tetrapeptide 39 . . Undisclosed REC99999 FFKV . . . . . .
PEP00820 Tetrapeptide 40 . . HIV-1 protease REC00065 NFPI . . . . . .
PEP00821 Tetrapeptide 41 . . HIV-1 protease REC00065 ANFP . . . . . .
PEP00822 Tetrapeptide 42 . . HIV-1 protease REC00065 AFPI . . . . . .
PEP00823 Tetrapeptide 43 . . Undisclosed REC99999 RLNF . . . . . .
PEP00824 Tetrapeptide 44 . . Undisclosed REC99999 RRKR . . . . . .
PEP00825 Tetrapeptide 45 . . Undisclosed REC99999 KRRR . . . . . .
PEP00826 Tetrapeptide 46 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XRGD . . . . . .
PEP00827 Tetrapeptide 47 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XXGD . . . . . .
PEP00828 Tetrapeptide 48 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GKKG . . . . . .
PEP00829 Tetrapeptide 49 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XKKL . . . . . .
PEP00830 Tetrapeptide 50 . . Undisclosed REC99999 CVAM . . . . . .
PEP00831 Tetrapeptide 51 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XFXF . . . . . .
PEP00832 Tetrapeptide 52 . . Undisclosed REC99999 LLLL . . . . . .
PEP00833 Tetrapeptide 53 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GGFG . . . . . .
PEP00834 Tetrapeptide 54 . . Undisclosed REC99999 CLLL . . . . . .
PEP00835 Tetrapeptide 55 . . Undisclosed REC99999 CLLF . . . . . .
PEP00836 Tetrapeptide 56 . . Undisclosed REC99999 CLGF . . . . . .
PEP00837 Tetrapeptide 57 . . Undisclosed REC99999 CFGL . . . . . .
PEP00838 Tetrapeptide 58 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GGCP . . . . . .
PEP00839 Tetrapeptide 59 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GGGA . . . . . .
PEP00840 Tetrapeptide 60 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GGGF . . . . . .
PEP00841 Tetrapeptide 61 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GGGY . . . . . .
PEP00842 Tetrapeptide 62 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GGGX . . . . . .
PEP00843 Tetrapeptide 63 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GGGL . . . . . .
PEP00844 Tetrapeptide 64 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GGGI . . . . . .
PEP00845 Tetrapeptide 65 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GGGM . . . . . .
PEP00846 Tetrapeptide 66 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GGGV . . . . . .
PEP00847 Tetrapeptide 67 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GGGP . . . . . .
PEP00848 Tetrapeptide 68 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GGGR . . . . . .
PEP00849 Tetrapeptide 69 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GGGT . . . . . .
PEP00850 Tetrapeptide 70 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GGGS . . . . . .
PEP00851 Tetrapeptide 71 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GGGQ . . . . . .
PEP00852 Tetrapeptide 72 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GGGN . . . . . .
PEP00853 Tetrapeptide 73 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GGGE . . . . . .
PEP00854 Tetrapeptide 74 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GGGD . . . . . .
PEP00855 Tetrapeptide+dipeptide . . Undisclosed REC99999 GYVS+FS . . . . . .
PEP00856 Transferrin receptor binding peptide . . Undisclosed REC99999 KHAIYPRH . . . . . .
PEP00857 Transferrin receptor binding peptide lo (TfR-Pl)ng . . Undisclosed REC99999 THRPPMWSPVWP . . . . . .
PEP00858 Transferrin receptor binding peptide short (TfR-Ps) . . Undisclosed REC99999 KHAIYPRH . . . . . .
PEP00859 Transportan . . Undisclosed REC99999 GWTLDSAGYLLGKIDLKALAALAKKIL . . . . . .
PEP00860 Tridecaptin A1 . . Undisclosed REC99999 VXGSWSXXFQVIA . . . . . .
PEP00861 Tripeptide 1 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XVVX . . . . . .
PEP00862 Tripeptide 2 . . Undisclosed REC99999 DVYT . . . . . .
PEP00863 Tripeptide 3 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XIVK . . . . . .
PEP00864 Tripeptide 4 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XIVD . . . . . .
PEP00865 Tripeptide 5 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XAKT . . . . . .
PEP00866 Tripeptide 6 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XKT . . . . . .
PEP00867 Tripeptide 7 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XAKZ . . . . . .
PEP00868 Tripeptide 8 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XFGAX . . . . . .
PEP00869 Tripeptide 9 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XFYAX . . . . . .
PEP00870 Tripeptide 10 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XIYAX . . . . . .
PEP00871 Tripeptide 11 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XWYAX . . . . . .
PEP00872 Tripeptide 12 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XSYAX . . . . . .
PEP00873 Tripeptide 13 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XHYX . . . . . .
PEP00874 Tripeptide 14 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XAYAX . . . . . .
PEP00875 Tripeptide 15 . . Undisclosed REC99999 VPVPX . . . . . .
PEP00876 Tripeptide 16 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XFFA . . . . . .
PEP00877 Tripeptide 17 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GLK . . . . . .
PEP00878 Tripeptide 18 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GLW . . . . . .
PEP00879 Tripeptide 19 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GLY . . . . . .
PEP00880 Tripeptide 20 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GLF . . . . . .
PEP00881 Tripeptide 21 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GLS . . . . . .
PEP00882 Tripeptide 22 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GLA . . . . . .
PEP00883 Tripeptide 23 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GLG . . . . . .
PEP00884 Tripeptide 24 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GGG . . . . . .
PEP00885 Tripeptide 25 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XGFGX . . . . . .
PEP00886 Tripeptide 26 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XAFGX . . . . . .
PEP00887 Tripeptide 27 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XVFGX . . . . . .
PEP00888 Tripeptide 28 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XGGI . . . . . .
PEP00889 Tripeptide 29 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XWKWX . . . . . .
PEP00890 Tripeptide 30 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XEFW . . . . . .
PEP00891 Tripeptide 31 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XDFW . . . . . .
PEP00892 Tripeptide 32 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XRFW . . . . . .
PEP00893 Tripeptide 33 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XYFW . . . . . .
PEP00894 Tripeptide 34 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XSFW . . . . . .
PEP00895 Tripeptide 35 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XNFW . . . . . .
PEP00896 Tripeptide 36 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XQFW . . . . . .
PEP00897 Tripeptide 37 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XKFW . . . . . .
PEP00898 Tripeptide 38 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XHFW . . . . . .
PEP00899 Tripeptide 39 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XTFW . . . . . .
PEP00900 Tripeptide 40 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XWFW . . . . . .
PEP00901 Tripeptide 41 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XIFW . . . . . .
PEP00902 Tripeptide 42 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XFFW . . . . . .
PEP00903 Tripeptide 43 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XAFW . . . . . .
PEP00904 Tripeptide 44 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XVFW . . . . . .
PEP00905 Tripeptide 45 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XPFW . . . . . .
PEP00906 Tripeptide 46 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XGFW . . . . . .
PEP00907 Tripeptide 47 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XLFW . . . . . .
PEP00908 Tripeptide 48 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XXFW . . . . . .
PEP00909 Tripeptide 49 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XAAK . . . . . .
PEP00910 Tripeptide 50 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XEFF . . . . . .
PEP00911 Tripeptide 51 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XEWX . . . . . .
PEP00912 Tripeptide 52 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XEX . . . . . .
PEP00913 Tripeptide 53 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XEYX . . . . . .
PEP00914 Tripeptide 54 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XEEX . . . . . .
PEP00915 Tripeptide 55 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XEIX . . . . . .
PEP00916 Tripeptide 56 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XEFX . . . . . .
PEP00917 Tripeptide 57 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XEFFX . . . . . .
PEP00918 Tripeptide 58 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XENFFX . . . . . .
PEP00919 Tripeptide 59 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XEFXX . . . . . .
PEP00920 Tripeptide 60 . . Undisclosed REC99999 NHWX . . . . . .
PEP00921 Tripeptide 61 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XHVG . . . . . .
PEP00922 Tripeptide 62 . . Undisclosed REC99999 HVG . . . . . .
PEP00923 Tripeptide 63 . . Undisclosed REC99999 VHG . . . . . .
PEP00924 Tripeptide 64 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XHWX . . . . . .
PEP00925 Tripeptide 65 . . Undisclosed REC99999 ALG . . . . . .
PEP00926 Tripeptide 66 . . Undisclosed REC99999 AVG . . . . . .
PEP00927 Tripeptide 67 . . Undisclosed REC99999 AFG . . . . . .
PEP00928 Tripeptide 68 . . Undisclosed REC99999 EEE . . . . . .
PEP00929 Tripeptide 69 . . Undisclosed REC99999 AAC . . . . . .
PEP00930 Tripeptide 70 . . Undisclosed REC99999 SGC . . . . . .
PEP00931 Tripeptide 71 . . Undisclosed REC99999 SAS . . . . . .
PEP00932 Tripeptide 72 . . Undisclosed REC99999 SGS . . . . . .
PEP00933 Tripeptide 73 . . Undisclosed REC99999 PID . . . . . .
PEP00934 Tripeptide 74 . . Undisclosed REC99999 RKD . . . . . .
PEP00935 Tripeptide 75 . . Undisclosed REC99999 RXD . . . . . .
PEP00936 Tripeptide 76 . . Undisclosed REC99999 RFD . . . . . .
PEP00937 Tripeptide 77 . . Undisclosed REC99999 RPD . . . . . .
PEP00938 Tripeptide 78 . . Undisclosed REC99999 SFG . . . . . .
PEP00939 Tripeptide 79 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XSX . . . . . .
PEP00940 Tripeptide 80 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XNG . . . . . .
PEP00941 Tripeptide 81 . . Undisclosed REC99999 FKV . . . . . .
PEP00942 Tripeptide 82 . . HIV-1 protease REC00065 NFP . . . . . .
PEP00943 Tripeptide 83 . . HIV-1 protease REC00065 AFP . . . . . .
PEP00944 Tripeptide 84 . . HIV-1 protease REC00065 FPI . . . . . .
PEP00945 Tripeptide 85 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GSI . . . . . .
PEP00946 Tripeptide 86 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XII . . . . . .
PEP00947 Tripeptide 87 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GII . . . . . .
PEP00948 Tripeptide 88 . . Undisclosed REC99999 KKK . . . . . .
PEP00949 Tripeptide 89 . . Undisclosed REC99999 RRR . . . . . .
PEP00950 Tripeptide 90 . . Undisclosed REC99999 KVR . . . . . .
PEP00951 Tripeptide 91 . . Undisclosed REC99999 KIR . . . . . .
PEP00952 Tripeptide 92 . . Undisclosed REC99999 KIF . . . . . .
PEP00953 Tripeptide 93 . . Undisclosed REC99999 KKR . . . . . .
PEP00954 Tripeptide 94 . . Undisclosed REC99999 VKF . . . . . .
PEP00955 Tripeptide 95 . . Undisclosed REC99999 WKK . . . . . .
PEP00956 Tripeptide 96 . . Undisclosed REC99999 MHK . . . . . .
PEP00957 Tripeptide 97 . . Undisclosed REC99999 KHK . . . . . .
PEP00958 Tripeptide 98 . . Undisclosed REC99999 MWK . . . . . .
PEP00959 Tripeptide 99 . . Undisclosed REC99999 MMK . . . . . .
PEP00960 Tripeptide 100 . . Undisclosed REC99999 FFK . . . . . .
PEP00961 Tripeptide 101 . . Undisclosed REC99999 VKW . . . . . .
PEP00962 Tripeptide 102 . . Undisclosed REC99999 HGE . . . . . .
PEP00963 Tripeptide 103 . . Undisclosed REC99999 HGK . . . . . .
PEP00964 Tripeptide 104 . . Undisclosed REC99999 EDG . . . . . .
PEP00965 Tripeptide 105 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GKL . . . . . .
PEP00966 Tripeptide 106 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XXX . . . . . .
PEP00967 Tripeptide 107 . . Undisclosed REC99999 LLL . . . . . .
PEP00968 Tripeptide 108 . . Undisclosed REC99999 KFR . . . . . .
PEP00969 Tripeptide 109 . . Undisclosed REC99999 KRR . . . . . .
PEP00970 Tripeptide 110 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GAA . . . . . .
PEP00971 Tripeptide 111 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GKK . . . . . .
PEP00972 Tripeptide 112 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GRS . . . . . .
PEP00973 Tripeptide 113 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GQX . . . . . .
PEP00974 Tripeptide 114 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GKX . . . . . .
PEP00975 Tripeptide 115 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GGC . . . . . .
PEP00976 Tripeptide 116 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GGS . . . . . .
PEP00977 Tripeptide 117 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GGX . . . . . .
PEP00978 Tripeptide 118 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GGF . . . . . .
PEP00979 Tripeptide 119 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GGY . . . . . .
PEP00980 Tripeptide 120 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GGL . . . . . .
PEP00981 Tripeptide 121 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GGI . . . . . .
PEP00982 Tripeptide 122 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GGM . . . . . .
PEP00983 Tripeptide 123 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GGV . . . . . .
PEP00984 Tripeptide 124 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GGP . . . . . .
PEP00985 Tripeptide 125 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GGR . . . . . .
PEP00986 Tripeptide 126 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GGA . . . . . .
PEP00987 Tripeptide 127 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GGT . . . . . .
PEP00988 Tripeptide 128 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GGQ . . . . . .
PEP00989 Tripeptide 129 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GGN . . . . . .
PEP00990 Tripeptide 130 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GGE . . . . . .
PEP00991 Tripeptide 131 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GGD . . . . . .
PEP00992 "Tripeptide, linear" . . Undisclosed REC99999 PWF . . . . . .
PEP00993 Tuftsin . . Undisclosed REC99999 AXTKPR . . . . . .
PEP00994 Tuftsin (liberated from the Fc domain of the heavy chain of IgG 1 . . Undisclosed REC99999 RPKT . . . . . .
PEP00995 Tuftsin (liberated from the Fc domain of the heavy chain of IgG 2 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XRPKT . . . . . .
PEP00996 Tuftsin (liberated from the Fc domain of the heavy chain of IgG 3 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XTKPR . . . . . .
PEP00997 Tuftsin (liberated from the Fc domain of the heavy chain of IgG 4 . . Undisclosed REC99999 TKPX . . . . . .
PEP00998 Ubiquicidin (UBI) 31-38 Cyclic . Undisclosed REC99999 RAKRRMEY . . . . . .
PEP00999 Unnatural heptapeptide 1 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XRXXXXXR . . . . . .
PEP01000 Unnatural heptapeptide 2 . . Undisclosed REC99999 XGRXXXXXR . . . . . .
PEP01001 Unnatural heptapeptide 3 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GGRXXXXXR . . . . . .
PEP01002 Unnatural heptapeptide 4 . . Undisclosed REC99999 GRXXXXXR . . . . . .
PEP01003 Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) fragment . . Undisclosed REC99999 RKQMAVKKYLN . . . . . .
PEP01004 YVG . . Undisclosed REC99999 YQWAVXHXX . . . . . .
PEP01005 Α-helical peptide . . Undisclosed REC99999 GNNRPVYIPQPRPPHPRL . . . . . .
PEP01006 Synovial homing peptide (L) Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Undisclosed REC99999 CKSTHDRLC . . . . . .
PEP01007 Synovial homing peptide (C) Cyclic Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Undisclosed REC99999 CKSTHDRLC . . . . . .
PEP01008 CM8 Cyclic Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Undisclosed REC99999 ECLRGM CM8 . . . . .
PEP01009 CM7 Cyclic Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Undisclosed REC99999 EMLRGC CM7 . . . . .
PEP01010 ELRGG Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Undisclosed REC99999 ELRGG ELRGG . . . . .
PEP01011 Cyclo-GCGPep1 Cyclic Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Undisclosed REC99999 GCGRIKPRKGYTR . . . . . .
PEP01012 BPP Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Undisclosed REC99999 EWPRPQIPP-NH2 BPP . . . . .
PEP01013 LLC2B Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Undisclosed REC99999 (Hydroxyproline)-L-(Citrulline)-DNK-(1-Aminocyclopropanecarboxylic acid)-(Norvaline)-(2-Aminoadipic acid) LLC2B . . . . .
PEP01014 CWRWRKWRWR Cyclic Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Undisclosed REC99999 CWRWRKWRWR . . . . . .
PEP01015 TP1-cCPP Cyclic Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Undisclosed REC99999 RGDC-[CWRWRKWRWR] . . . . . .
PEP01016 TP2-cCPP Cyclic Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Undisclosed REC99999 CTVRTSAD-[CWRWRKWRWR] . . . . . .
PEP01017 R-C12 Linear . Undisclosed REC99999 CH3-(CH2)10-CO-NHRGWFWFRAMRSIAFIARERLREHL-CONH2 R-C12 . . . . .
PEP01018 RGD Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Integrin REC00059 RGD . . . . . .
PEP01019 NGR Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Aminopeptidase N (ANPEP) REC00062 NGR . . . . . .
PEP01020 Threonine Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Undisclosed REC99999 T Threonine . . . . .
PEP01021 Glycine Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Undisclosed REC99999 G Glycine . . . . .
PEP01022 Phenylalanine Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Undisclosed REC99999 F Phenylalanine . . . . .
PEP01023 Tryptophan Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Undisclosed REC99999 W Tryptophan . . . . .
PEP01024 Tyrosine Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Undisclosed REC99999 Y Tyrosine . . . . .
PEP01025 GGAP Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Undisclosed REC99999 GGAP . . . . . .
PEP01026 GGIP Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Undisclosed REC99999 GGIP . . . . . .
PEP01027 GGFP Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Undisclosed REC99999 GGFP . . . . . .
PEP01028 GVGVP Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Undisclosed REC99999 GVGVP . . . . . .
PEP01029 GFGFP Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Undisclosed REC99999 GFGFP . . . . . .
PEP01032 LFX 8a Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Falcipain-1 (FP1) REC00064 XLF . . . . . .
PEP01033 LFX 10a Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Undisclosed REC99999 XLF . . . . . .
PEP01034 LFX 8b Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Falcipain-1 (FP1) REC00064 XLF LFX 8b . . . . .
PEP01035 LFX 8c Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Falcipain-1 (FP1) REC00064 XLF . . . . . .
PEP01036 LFX 8d Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Falcipain-1 (FP1) REC00064 XLF LFX 8d . . . . .
PEP01037 LFX 8e Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Falcipain-1 (FP1) REC00064 XLF . . . . . .
PEP01038 LFX 8f Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Falcipain-1 (FP1) REC00064 XLF LFX 8f . . . . .
PEP01039 LFX 8g Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Undisclosed REC99999 XLF . . . . . .
PEP01040 LFX 8h Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Falcipain-1 (FP1) REC00064 XLF LFX 8h . . . . .
PEP01041 LFX 8i Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Falcipain-1 (FP1) REC00064 XLF . . . . . .
PEP01042 LFX 8j Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Undisclosed REC99999 XLF LFX 8j . . . . .
PEP01043 LFX 8k Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Falcipain-1 (FP1) REC00064 XLF . . . . . .
PEP01044 LFX 8l Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Undisclosed REC99999 XLF LFX 8l . . . . .
PEP01045 LFW Linear . Undisclosed REC99999 LFW . . . . . .
PEP01046 GFW Linear . Undisclosed REC99999 GFW . . . . . .
PEP01047 PFW Linear . Undisclosed REC99999 PFW . . . . . .
PEP01048 VFW Linear . Undisclosed REC99999 VFW . . . . . .
PEP01049 AFW Linear . Undisclosed REC99999 AFW . . . . . .
PEP01050 FFW Linear . Undisclosed REC99999 FFW . . . . . .
PEP01051 IFW Linear . Undisclosed REC99999 IFW . . . . . .
PEP01052 WFW Linear . Undisclosed REC99999 WFW . . . . . .
PEP01053 TFW Linear . Undisclosed REC99999 TFW . . . . . .
PEP01054 HFW Linear . Undisclosed REC99999 HFW . . . . . .
PEP01055 KFW Linear . Undisclosed REC99999 KFW . . . . . .
PEP01056 QFW Linear . Undisclosed REC99999 QFW . . . . . .
PEP01057 NFW Linear . Undisclosed REC99999 NFW . . . . . .
PEP01058 SFW Linear . Undisclosed REC99999 SFW . . . . . .
PEP01059 YFW Linear . Undisclosed REC99999 YFW . . . . . .
PEP01060 RFW Linear . Undisclosed REC99999 RFW . . . . . .
PEP01061 DFW Linear . Undisclosed REC99999 DFW . . . . . .
PEP01062 EFW Linear . Undisclosed REC99999 EFW . . . . . .
PEP01063 Hydrophilic PD-L1 antagonist D1 Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Undisclosed REC99999 NYSKPTDRQYHF Hydrophilic PD-L1antagonist D1 . . . . .
PEP01064 GFFpY Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Undisclosed REC99999 GFFF GFFpY . . . . .
PEP01065 TP10-7-NH2 Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Undisclosed REC99999 AGLYGGINKILPLAKL(Ai)KKIL TP10-7-NH2 . . . . .
PEP01066 TP10-NH2 Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Undisclosed REC99999 AGLYGGINKILKALAALAKKIL TP10-NH2 . . . . .
PEP01067 LFcinB(2-11)-NH2 Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Undisclosed REC99999 FKRRWQWRM . . . . . .
PEP01068 "LFcinB[Nle1,11]-NH2" Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Undisclosed REC99999 NleFKRRWQWRNleKKLG . . . . . .
PEP01069 HLopt2-NH2 Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Undisclosed REC99999 CFQWKRAMRKVR HLopt2-NH2 . . . . .
PEP01070 Poly-aspartic acid polypeptide Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Undisclosed REC99999 DDDDDD Poly-aspartic acid polypeptide . . . . .
PEP01071 SynB3 Linear Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Undisclosed REC99999 RRLSYSRRRF SynB3 . . . . .
PEP01072 TTP-CPP Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs); Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Undisclosed REC99999 pGHWSYGLRPGPLGLAGFKKFFRKLLC TTP-CPP . . . . .
PEP01073 FFFK Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Undisclosed REC99999 FFFK . . . . . .
PEP01074 KIGLFRWR Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Undisclosed REC99999 KIGLFRWR . . . . . .
PEP01075 SMAC-FRRG Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Undisclosed REC99999 AVPIAQFRRG SMAC-FRRG . . . . .
PEP01076 R-lycosin-I Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Undisclosed REC99999 RGWFRAMRSIARFIARERLREHL R-lycosin-I . . . . .
PEP01077 iRGD Cyclic Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) Undisclosed REC99999 CRGDKGPDC . . . . . .
PEP01079 DPV1047 Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Undisclosed REC99999 CVKRGLKLRHVRPRVTRMDV DPV1047 . . . . .
PEP01080 DPV10 Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Undisclosed REC99999 SRRARRSPRHLGSGC . . . . . .
PEP01081 DPV7b Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Undisclosed REC99999 GKRKKKGKLGKKRPRSRC . . . . . .
PEP01082 [C15]-NPY Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Undisclosed REC99999 YPSKPDNPGEDAPACDLARYYSALRHYINLITRQRY . . . . . .
PEP01083 Branched neurotensin (NT4) Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Undisclosed REC99999 LIYPRR Branched neurotensin . . . . .
PEP01084 GCKSYR Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Undisclosed REC99999 GCKSYR . . . . . .
PEP01085 GCASYR Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Undisclosed REC99999 GCASYR . . . . . .
PEP01086 GRDWQSCMEYKTHN Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Undisclosed REC99999 GRDWQSCMEYKTHN . . . . . .
PEP01087 CDRGDK Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Neuropilin-1 (NRP1) REC00001 CDRGDK . . . . . .
PEP01088 CGVQIRGDK Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Neuropilin-1 (NRP1) REC00001 CGVQIRGDK . . . . . .
PEP01089 CRGDK Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Neuropilin-1 (NRP1) REC00001 CRGDK . . . . . .
PEP01090 CRRGDK Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Neuropilin-1 (NRP1) REC00001 CRRGDK . . . . . .
PEP01091 Pentagastrin Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Gastrin-releasing peptide receptor (GRPR) REC00029 XWMDF . . . . . .
PEP01092 Peptide 18-4 analog Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) "Keratin, type II cytoskeletal 1 (KRT1)" REC00009 CWXEAAYQRFL . . . . . .
PEP01093 Peptide A6 Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) CD44 antigen (CD44) REC00024 KPSSPPEEK . . . . . .
PEP01094 FB006 Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Undisclosed REC99999 WEEWDREINNYTKLIHELIEESQNQQEKNEQELL . . . . . .
PEP01095 cyclo[DKP-isoDGR] Cyclic Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Integrin alpha-V (ITGAV) REC00012 DGR . . . . . .
PEP01096 MLS Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Undisclosed REC99999 MSVLTPLLLRGLTGSARRLPVPRAKIHSL . . . . . .
PEP01097 WXEAAYQK(D)FL cyclic peptide Cyclic Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) "Keratin, type II cytoskeletal 1 (KRT1)" REC00009 WXEAAYQK(D)FL . . . . . .
PEP01098 WX(D)EAAYQK(D)FL peptide Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) "Keratin, type II cytoskeletal 1 (KRT1)" REC00009 WX(D)EAAYQK(D)FL . . . . . .
PEP01099 WX(D)EAAYQKFL peptide Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) "Keratin, type II cytoskeletal 1 (KRT1)" REC00009 WX(D)EAAYQKFL . . . . . .
PEP01100 WXEAAYQK(D)FL peptide Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) "Keratin, type II cytoskeletal 1 (KRT1)" REC00009 WXEAAYQK(D)FL . . . . . .
PEP01101 D-aa KK-11 Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) "Keratin, type II cytoskeletal 1 (KRT1)" REC00009 VPWXEAAYQRFL . . . . . .
PEP01102 [D-Lys6]-GnRH Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor (GNRHR) REC00033 PEHWSYKLRPG . . . . . .
PEP01103 AHNP Linear Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2 (ERBB2) REC00010 GPLGLAGDDYCDGFYACYMDV . . . . . .
PEP01104 Potent somatostatin analog (SSA) Cyclic Cell targeting peptides (CTPs) Somatostatin receptor type 2 (SSTR2) REC00032 KYKYKCFWKTCHT . . . . . .